Interactive Performance for Movies and Video Games
This paper introduces a straightforward technique for combining
performance-based animation with a physical model in order to support
complex interactions with objects in a real-time animated world. The
core of the approach builds off of a conceptual framework which unifies
kinematic playback of motion capture and dynamic motion synthesis. The
proposed method integrates a real-time recording, which allows a human
actor to provide an online performance, with dynamics-based control, in
order to modify the motion data based on the physical conditions felt
by the character – including external influences and the effects of
balance. The system smoothly unifies the kinematic and dynamics systems
by changing the influence of each in a semi-automatic fashion, both
spatially within the body and temporally. Examples of rich interactions
interleaved with intelligent response highlights power of the
technique. The current system is intended for offline motion synthesis
of rich, virtual interactions with real-time, reactive human-driven
performance – although ultimately the general approach is likely to be
beneficial for online applications such as electronic games.
Special thanks to Roby Atadero,
Steve Suh, Muzaffer "Muzo" Akbay, and Victor Zordan.
[Thesis Document]:
- pdf [2.6MB]
- submission video
- live capture [36.9MB]