Stock Options Prediction
Utilizing cutting edge technology in data mining, artificial intellegence, and market analysis, we at have developed software to analyze and predict stock option performance and movement. was formed with the goal of providing quality analysis of financial information so that traders could make better decisions. Other than visual differences, our market research showed that the offerings available through brokers and other software providers did not meet our needs. We knew we could do better.
At we believe that options are the most versatile
investment available. Not only can you make money in up or down
markets, you can make money if nothing happens at all. Stock Options
have been given a bad reputation for being risky investments. The fact
is that purchasing an option contract doesn’t risk any more money than
your initial investment.
Our motto is "Survive long enough to profit from your advantage." This
means you will probably need to invest less money. This is especially
important for beginners. We have actually heard statistics saying that
80% of new traders not only lose money; most of them lose all of their
money. With numbers like this it is no mystery why the survivors can
earn so much.