
A little about me... born in Long Beach, California, and having been raised in Riverside since I was in second grade, I have grown to like computers and technology through TV and video games. While my academic career focuses mainly on computer science and mathematics, my dream in life is to create things that people can recognize and enjoy, either by helping them or by entertaining them. I have yet to fully decide my practical goal in modern society; either become a creator in the computer graphics industry, or a professor in either computers or math... or taking over the world, should the opportunity arise. 

Oh yeah, this year for my birthday I am having sushi, and it is at Tokyo Delve's. Check this out for party details.


I have many interests including video games, movies, and technology. In addition, I am an inactive Stormtrooper of the 501st Legion with the ID tk1083. I am very much intersted in computer and video game hardware, often tinkering around with the motion sensors of the Nintendo Wiimotes and researching cameras and 3D reconstruction techniques to further extend my Masters thesis. I'm an avid PC and console gamer that aspires to make games thrilling, story-wise, but also engrossing and immersive in they way they are played.

Marc FettTK-1083

Former TA Duties