Webpage design
As a side project, in association with ELWSoftware.com, I am doing
webpage design. I have created several websites already (including this
one) designed to allow for easy navigation and access to information,
while being eye catching and appealing to incoming visitors. Completed
pages include:
- Good Shepherd Come
Care: a senior citizen home care facility
- Marc Soriano's home page: my own website
- Sushi Party Fun Time Go!: another personal page about my next birthday party
Additional pages are under construction and will be added.
Game Projects
A compilation of several game projects, previous and current, that I, and several others are working on. (more)
Options Market Prediction
As a partner of ELWSoftware.com,
using our computer science knowledge as well as business
experience to combine data mining, artificial intellegence, and machine
learning to analyse and predict the stock market. (more)
Interactive Performance for Movies and Video Games
My Master's thesis, this project combines the use of a live actor
and a
physically simulated world to give the person full control his/her
character in a networked virtual environment. (more)
Interactive Dynamic Response
A method of transitioning from motion capture data to physical
simulation, and back, in the event of a physical interaction. Improving
on recent work, we make our method fast enough for real-time use. (more)
Threat Anticipation
A heuristic, and later machine learned, method of choosing a
correct defensive pose to prevent or block an external hit. (more)