I was a Teaching Assistant for
Spring 2009
- CS153 - Design of Operating Systems
Office hours: Thursday 11:10 AM to 12:10 PM. (Room no:465, EBUII)
Lab hours: Tuesday 8:10 AM to 11:00 AM.
Recommended books for the lab projects:
- Linux Device Drivers, Jonathan Corbat et al., O'REILLY Third Edition.
- Kernel Projects for Linux, Gary Nutt.
- Understanding the LINUX KERNEL, Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Richard Stevens.
- Practice of Programming, Brain Kernighan and Rob Pike.
Projects and Lab Notes:
Winter 2009:
- CS153 - Design of Operating Systems
Office hours: Tuesday and Friday 11:00 AM to 11:50 AM. (Room no:465, EBUII)
Lab hours: Tuesday and Friday 8:10 AM to 11:00 AM.
Recommended books for the lab projects
- Linux Device Drivers, Jonathan Corbat et al., O'REILLY Third Edition.
- Kernel Projects for Linux, Gary Nutt.
- Understanding the LINUX KERNEL, Daniel P. Bovet & Marco Cesati
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Richard Stevens.
- Practice of Programming, Brain Kernighan and Rob Pike.
- The Unix Programming Environment, B. Kernighan and R. Pike.
Projects and Lab Notes
Fall 2008
Lab Notes
Spring 2008:
Lab2 - Kernel Modules
- Project -2: Kernel Modules with /proc interface
Lab3 - Process Management
- Project - 3: Shell Implementation
Lab4 - Multithreaded sorting with your own Pthread Library
- Project - 4: Implementation of a Thread package
Linux/Unix resources
C, Unix, and Debugging
Winter 2008:
Fall 2007
- CS008 - Introduction to Computing