
Much research in software engineering have been focused on improving software quality and automating the maintenance process to reduce software costs and mitigating complications associated with the evolution process. Despite all these efforts, there are still high cost and effort associated with software bugs and software maintenance, software still continues to be unreliable, and software bugs can wreak havoc on software producers and consumers alike. The over-arching goal of my dissertation is to design metrics that can measure and predict software quality and create frameworks that help in improving software maintenance, and facilitate empirical software engineering research that involve mining software repositories.


  • An Empirical Analysis of the Bug-fixing Process in Open Source Android Apps
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Liudmila Ulanova, Iulian Neamtiu, and Sai Charan Koduru , CSMR 2013
  • Automated Bug Triaging Using Machine Learning Techniques
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Iulian Neamtiu, Christian R. Shelton , Journal of Systems and Software
  • Graph-based Analysis and Prediction for Software Evolution
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Marios Iliofotou, Iulian Neamtiu, Michalis Faloutsos, ICSE 2012 (Acceptance Rate: 21.3%) [Draft]
  • Report on the sixth IEEE MSR Mining Challenge
    Emad Shihab, Yasutaka Kamei, Pamela Bhattacharya [Draft]
  • Bug-fix Time Prediction Models: Can We Do Better?
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Iulian Neamtiu, MSR 2011 (Acceptance Rate: 35.3%) [Draft]
  • A Prolog-based Framework for Search, Integration and Empirical Analysis on Software Evolution Data
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Iulian Neamtiu, SUITE, Co-located with ICSE 2011 [Draft]
  • Using Software Evolution History to Facilitate Development and Maintenance
    Pamela Bhattacharya, ICSE 2011 Doctoral Symposium [Paper]
  • Assessing Programming Language Impact on Development and Maintenance: A Study on C and C++
    Pamela Bhattacharya and Iulian Neamtiu, ICSE 2011 (Acceptance Rate: 14%) [Paper]
  • Fine-grained Incremental Learning and Multi-feature Tossing Graphs to Improve Bug Triaging
    Pamela Bhattacharya and Iulian Neamtiu, ICSM 2010 (Acceptance Rate: 26%) [Paper]
  • Dynamic Updates for Web and Cloud Applications
    Pamela Bhattacharya and Iulian Neamtiu, APLWACA, Co-located with PLDI 2010 [Paper]
Under Submission
  • Contributor Role and Hierarchy in Open Source Projects
    Pamela Bhattacharya, Iulian Neamtiu, Michalis Faloutsos
  • On-the-fly March-forward Schema Updates
    Iulian Neamtiu, Jonathan Bardin, Md. Reaz Uddin, Dien-Yen Lin, Pamela Bhattacharya