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My research interests - so far - include Wireless Networking, especially mobile ad hoc networks, concentrating on routing, security and performance.

Recent studies include multipath routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, wormhole routing, possible usage of multiple paths for security purposes, Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, and load balancing of the networks.

My advisor is Prof Mart Molle.

Multipath Routing:
- The basis of my research and final thesis - Train of Packets
- Multipath Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Survey
- Effects of Multipath Routing on TCP Performance in Ad Hoc Networks
- MRTP: A multi-flow realtime transport protocol for ad hoc networks
- Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Issues and Challenges
- MDVA: A Distance-Vector Multipath Routing Protocol
- Shortest Multipath Routing Using Labeled Distances
- Load Balancing in Ad Hoc Networks Single-path Routing vs. Multi-path Routing
- A New Approach to On-demand Loop-Free Multipath Routing
- Adaptive multipath source routing in MANETs
- Cooperative Packet Caching and Shortest Multipath Routing in Manets
- An aggregated multipath routing scheme for ad hoc networks

Important guides and articles:
- A Comprehensible GloMoSim Tutorial
- Internet Weather
- QoS in MANETs, QoS routing for MANETs, INSIGNIA, TORA

Some previous projects I have worked on:
- Fireworks: Location Aided Multicast Routing Algorithm
- Lightweight Secure Routing Scheme for MANETs 
- Survey on Replacement Problem of Replicas in P2P Networks 


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