University of California,
Riverside, CSE
Winter Semester 2008
- Computational Geometry
- CS 133
TR 11:10
AM - 12:30
SPR 1358
Dimitrios Gunopulos |
TA: Huseyin Hakkoymaz |
Office: EBUII
324 |
Office: EBUII 363 |
Office Hrs:
- |
Office Hrs: TR 4:00
PM - 6:00
PM |
Phone: 951-827-2479 |
951-827-2838 |
e-mail: dg@cs.ucr.edu |
e-mail: huseyin@cs.ucr.edu |
- Lecture
- Mar
8, 2009
Due to an unfortunate accident, I won't be able make it to the lab for a while.
If - you need any help regarding to the project, you can send me an
and we can - discuss further
through messenger. Thanks for your understanding!
- Feb 16, 2009
OpenGl slides and OpenGL example uploaded. If you need help with OpenGL- functions, you may be interested in
"OpenGL Functions" link. It explains the purpose
- of each function and how to use them in details.
- Jan 3, 2009
Course Materials updated. You can
check the supplementary links for the - assignments. If you
still have questions, I am out there to help you.
01 | PDF
| Doc
- Due:March 12,2009 Thursday
Supplementary Documents:
- -
OpenGL Slides
- -
OpenGL Functions
- -
OpenGL Example (Trianguation.cpp)
- Course
Convex Hull
- - VoroGlide: Interactive Applet for Voronoi Diag./Delaunay Tri./Convex Hull - QuickHull Algorithm Applet and Pseudocode (Java)
Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation
- - Voronoi Diagrams: Applications from Archaology to Zoology
- - Nearest Neighbors and Voronoi Diagrams
- - A visual implementation of Fortune's Voronoi algorithm (Java)
- - Voronoi diagram/Delaunay triangulation applet (Java)
- - Fortune's 2D Voronoi diagram code (C/C++)
Visualization Tools
- -http://www.opengl.org
- -OpenGL Tutorial
- -Java OpenGL
- -Java 2D API
- Course Description:
CS 133 Computational Geometry 4
Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours.
- Prerequisite(s):
CS 141, MATH 113, or equivalents. Introduction to the
design of
- geometry algorithms. Covers the basic
computational geometry concepts and
- techniques used in
graphics, robotics, and engineering design. Topics
- polygons and polytops, convex hulls, and voronoi
- Textbooks:
Computational Geometry in C,
Joseph O'Rourke, Cambridge University - Press, 1998, ISBN
- Grading:
- % 35
- %
- %
03/19/2009 11:30A.M. - 02:30P.M.
- Academic Integrity:
- Copying
will not be tolerated and will be checked and punished rigorously.The
- UC, Riverside has a very strict policy on academic dishonesty.
All work must be
- strictly individual. Violations of
this policy will result in an F grade for the class.