
  • Yousra Lembachar, Ryan Rusich, Iulian Neamtiu and Gianfranco Ciardo. 2012. Who Watches the Watchers: Toward Provably-correct Decision Diagram Code. Invited paper at the 21st International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis (IWLS'12). [Slides.][Less about this project...]
  • This paper presents a statical analysis approach to ensure the type safety of BDD client code and libraries and the correctness of BDDs high-level properties and semantics. The core of the approach is BDDL, a calculus that extends the lambda calculus with support for BDD operations. BDDL uses a type system based on refinement types to statically check BDD manipulation and can prevent incorrect operations on BDDs at compile-time.
  • Xiaoqing Jin, Yousra Lembachar and Gianfranco Ciardo. 2012. Symbolic verification of ECA rules for cyber-physical systems. Under edition. [More about this project...]