
The function wave2duration reads a wave file, and outputs the corresponding time sequence.


There are two parameters in this function, as follows:

Experiments 1

I change the value of frameSize and overlap individually, to see the impact of them on the result.

I do tests on three wave files: test.wav (133KB, 6.1 seconds), happybirthday.wav (1,585KB, 18.3 seconds), and ChineseBirth.wav (25,520KB, 148.1 seconds). Both 'test.wav' and 'happybirthday.wav' have only one channel. But there are two channels (for left ear and right ear) in 'ChineseBirth.wav'. In the function, I choose one channel from it to do the test.

Experiment 1.1: Fix the value of overlap and change the value of frameSize

Experiment 1.2: Fix the value of frameSize and change the value of overlap

Experiments 2

I plot the Root Mean Square of different versions of the song Happy Birthday to You, to see whether they are similar.

Follows are the versions I use:

The result is here:


The clustering hierarchy of these waves:


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