I completed my graduate school program on December, 2007, and I am no longer a graduate student at UCR.
For more information on what I currently do or where I am, please follow the links at the 'about' section.
However, I would like to take this chance to publicly thank all the people that helped me on my way to
complete my thesis titled: Dynamic Relay Node Placement on Wireless Networks. Many thanks to my
my adviser Vana Kalogeraki and the other members of my committee, Thomas Payne and Dough Tolbert for their
valuable input. I placed a copy of my thesis under my 'Projects' section. Also, thanks to all the great
friends that I made at UCR, I hope and wish you all well.
To anyone who reads this (regardless of who you are), let me tell you that college is a indeed a place
to find yourself, but grad school is where you actually mature (definitely a different ball game). Good
luck to you all,
Jorge Mena
Enero del 2008