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2002 Fall CS160 (Concurrent Programming and Parallel Systems ) Instructor: Dr. Brett D. Fleisch
2003 Winter CS010 (Introduction to Compuer Science I )
CS152 (Compiler Design )
Instructor: Dr. Brian Linard
Instructor: Peter H. Frohlich
2003 Spring CS152 (Compiler Design) Instructor: Dr. Tom Payne
2003 Fall CS164 (Computer Networks)
CS179 (Compiler Design for Undergraduate Thesis)
Instructor: Dr. Chinya V. Ravishankar
Instructor: Dr. Teodor Przymusinski
2004 Winter CS161 (Design and Architecture of Computer Systems) Instructor: Dr. Jun Yang
2004 Spring CS161 (Design and Architecture of Computer Systems) Instructor: Dr. Jun Yang
2004 Summar CS061 (Computer Organization & Assembly Language ) Instructor: Dr. Brian Linard
2006 Fall CS111(Discrete Mathematics) Instructor: Dr. Marek Chrobak
2007 Winter CS008(Introduction to Computing) Instructor: Toby L. Gustafson