Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Systems
A Thesis submitted in partial satisfaction
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Computer Science
Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti
June 2003
Thesis Committee:
Dr. Dimitrios Gunopulos, Chairperson
Dr. Vana Kalogeraki
Dr. Chinya V. Ravishankar
The following faculties, student fellows, friends,
and family members have contributed to this dissertation and played
a significant role throughout this work. Without each of them, this
work would be very difficult to accomplish.
First, I would like to thank Prof. Dimitrios Gunopulos for his
support during this work, his continuous guidance and all the fruitful
discussions that laid the foundation of the research presented
in this thesis.
I also thank Prof. Vana Kalogeraki for her encouragement, her
important feedback throughout
our collaboration.
Finally I would like to thank Prof. Chinya Ravishankar for taking the time out of
his busy schedule to be on my thesis committee.
I thank the colleagues and friends of the database lab and
the department, for sharing the burden of the research through
the years of my graduate study here at UCR. Theodoros Folias
has made all the projects we 've been working on more interesting and
Thanks to Anil, Dimitris, Foula, Jessica, Marios, Michalis, Mirella, Sharmila
and all the other people here at UCR for the good times spent together.
I would like to thank my parents Djalal
and Androula Zeinalipour, as well as my brother Constantino
and his fianceé Erika.
They always supported me in pursuing
my objectives and I own them my beliefs in education, and my willingness
to learn and go through the requirements of the Masters Degree.
Last I would like to thank my fianceé Christina, which
stood on my side providing me with courage and support during
the two year period we were apart. I dedicate this work to her.
An earlier version of this work appeared in the proceedings of the ACM CIKM Internatio-
nal Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, McLean, VA, pp 300-307, Nov. 2002
To my fianceé Christina
Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Systems
Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti
Master of Science, Graduate Program in Computer Science
University of California, Riverside, June 2003
Prof. Dimitrios Gunopulos, Chairperson
Peer-to-Peer systems are application layer networks which enable networked hosts to share resources in a distributed manner. An important problem in such networks is to be able to efficiently search the contents of the other peers. Existing search techniques are inefficient because they are either based on the idea of flooding the network with queries or because they require some form of global knowledge.
We propose the Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM) which is an efficient, scalable
but yet simple mechanism for improving the information
retrieval problem in Peer-to-Peer systems. Our mechanism is efficient since it is bounded
by the number of neighbors and scalable because no global knowledge is required
to be maintained.
ISM consists of four components:
A Profile Mechanism which logs query-hits coming from neighbors,
a Cosine Similarity function which calculates the closeness of some
past query to a new query, RelevanceRank which is an online ranking mechanism that ranks
the neighbors of some node according to their potentiality of answering the new query
and a Search Mechanism which forwards a query to the selected neighbors.
We deploy and compare ISM with a number of other distributed search techniques. Our experiments are performed with real data over PeerWare, our middleware simulation infrastructure which is deployed on 50 workstations. Our results indicate that ISM is an attractive technique for keyword searching in Peer-to-Peer systems since it achieves in some cases 100% recall rate by using only 50% of the messages used in the flooding algorithm. Further its performance is also superior with respect to the total time for satisfying a query. Finally our algorithm improves over time as some node develops more knowledge.
- List of Tables
- List of Figures
- Introduction
- Information Retrieval in P2P Networks
- The Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM)
- Performance Analysis of the Proposed Techniques
- PeerWare Simulation Infrastructure
- Experiments
- Conclusions & Future Work
- Bibliography
- Top 20 Queries on Gnutella in June 2002. (inappropriate queries marked with '_').
The total set includes 15 million query messages and the last column the percentage
out of all the queries.
- An example of a Compound Routing Index at node
The first row presents
the local index of A while the rest rows indicate how many documents are reachable
through each neighbor.
- The Peer's Profile Mechanism snapshot.
It shows from which neighbors
(i.e. {P1,P2...}) each queryhit came from and on which time (timestamp).
- A sample XML record from a dataPeer's XML repository.
- PDOM-XQL and Retrieving an XQL ResultSet of all articles of a given country.
- The country-hosts.graph file for "australia" shows the outgoing connections that will be established during initialization.
- Distribution of Gnutella IP Addresses to Domains.
- Sample set of unstructured queries posted by searchPeer. Each keyword consists of at least 3 characters and the keywords are sampled from the dataset.
- Information Retrieval in P2P systems.
- Searching in a peer-to-peer network with Breadth First Search BFS: Each peer forwards the query to all its neighbors.
- Searching in a peer-to-peer network with Random Breadth First Search RBFS: Each peer forwards the query to a subset of its neighbors.
- Searching using a 2-walker. Each node forwards the query to a random neighbor.
- The
RES heuristic is able to identify stable neighbors, neighbors connected with many others
as well as neighbors which are not overloaded. It however fails to explore nodes which
contain content related to a query.
- A Bloom Filter that uses 4 hash functions and has a size of m=8 bits.
- In centralized approaches there is usually an inverted index
all the documents in the collection of the participating hosts .
- Freenet uses an intelligent Depth-First-Search mechanism along with caching of
keys/objects at intermediate nodes. The intermediate caching achieves redundancy
as well as anonymity.
- Chord uses a consistent hashing scheme to organize objects and nodes in a virtual circle. The proposed algorithm provides an efficient way for looking up objects.
- Searching in a peer-to-peer network with the Intelligent Search Mechanism ISM: Each peer uses the knowledge it obtains from monitoring the
past queries to propagate the query messages only to a subset
of the peers.
- With Random Perturbation we give node
the opportunity to break the cycle (A,B,C,D) in which
queries may get locked and therefore allow it to explore a larger part of the network and
find the correct answers.
- Visualization of a random graph with 104 peers & degree=4, with graphGen.
- Visualization of a random graph with 104 peers & degree=2, with graphGen. The graph is connected which is not typical for graphs with a small degree.
- The Components of a dataPeer Brick.
- The Components of searchPeer.
- Analysis of Gnutella Network Traffic: Message breakdown by Message Type.
- Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for 10x10
queries (TTL=4)
- Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
10x10 queries (TTL=4)
- Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for 10x10
queries (TTL=5)
- Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
10x10 queries (TTL=5)
- The Discarded Message Problem.
- Time used as a fraction of the time used
in BFS for the 4 Algorithms in the 10x10 experiment (TTL=4).
- Time used as a fraction of the time used
in BFS for the 4 Algorithms in the 10x10 experiment (TTL=5).
- Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for
400 queries (TTL=4)
- Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
400 queries (TTL=4)
Peer-to-peer (P2P) networks are increasingly becoming popular because
they offer opportunities for real-time communication,
ad-hoc collaboration [12] and information sharing [23,11]
in a large-scale distributed environment.
Peer-to-peer computing is defined as the sharing of computer
resources and information through direct exchange.
The most distinct characteristic of P2P
computing is that there is symmetric communication between
the peers; each peer has both a client and a server role.
The advantages of the P2P systems are multi-dimensional;
they improve scalability by enabling direct
and real-time sharing of services and information; enable
knowledge sharing by aggregating information and resources
from nodes that are located on geographically distributed
and potentially heterogeneous platforms; and, provide high
availability by eliminating the need for a single centralized
In this thesis we consider the information retrieval problem in
the P2P networks. Assume that each peer has a database (or collection) of
documents (see figure 1.1) which represents the knowledge of the peer.
Each peer shares its information with the rest of the network through its neighbors.
A node searches for information by sending query messages to its peers.
Without loss of generality we assume that the queries are collections of keywords
and that a querying peer is interested in finding all the documents that contain
a set of keywords.
A peer receiving a query message evaluates the constraint locally
against its collections of documents. If the evaluation is successful,
the peer generates a reply message to the querying peer which includes
the identifier of all the documents that correspond to the constraint.
Once a querying peer receives responses from all the peers it afterwards decides
which documents to download. Each document can be associated with
a unique documentId (using for example a hash function on the contents of a document)
to uniquely identify the same documents from different peers.
Note that searching based on the file contents is not
possible in most current P2P systems today [4,27].
In those systems searching is done using file identifiers instead (such as the name
of the file or the documentId).
Although this allows deployment of efficient search and indexing techniques
it restricts the ability
of P2P users to find documents based the contents of the documents.
To solve the search problem, most current systems either rely on
centralized control [23] or on query message flooding mechanisms [11].
The second approach (broadcasting the query) can easily be
extended to solve the problem we consider here. This can be achieved by
modifying the query message to include
the query terms instead of the desired file identifier.
This approach is best suited for unstructured peer-to-peer networks,
since all functionality (including
indexing and resource sharing) is decentralized. Such systems
do not use peers with special functionality.
Gnutella is an example of such a system.
Figure 1.1:
Information Retrieval in P2P systems.
In hybrid peer-to-peer networks
[16,28], one (or possibly more) peers have additional
functionality in that they become partial indexes for the
contents of other peers. Each peer, as it joins the network
uploads a list of its files to the index server. Commercial
information retrieval systems such as web search engines
(e.g. Google [13]) are using a similar approach for
indexing the web. These are centralized processes that exploit
large databases and parallel approaches to process queries,
and work extremely well. In the P2P information retrieval
context however, they have several disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage
is that the index needs to be an inverted index over
all the documents in the network. This means that the index node
has to have sufficient resources to setup and maintain such settings.
Although hardware performance and costs have improved,
such centralized repositories are still expensive and prohibitive in dynamic
environments where nodes are joining and leaving.
Our proposed algorithm works well in environments where there is high locality
of similar queries. In order to see what the real trends are, we made
an extensive analysis of the network traffic found in a real P2P network [30].
In June 2002 we crawled the Gnutella network with 17 workstations for 5 hours
and gathered
million query messages. Table 1.1 presents the
ranking of the top 10 queries. We can clearly see
that most queries are submitted in large numbers and hence there exist a high locality
of specific queries. This observation is exploited by our proposed Intelligent Search
Mechanism. By making only local decisions we can intelligently route query messages
to those neighbors that have high probability to lead us to the most relevant answers.
Table 1.1:
Top 20 Queries on Gnutella in June 2002. (inappropriate queries marked with '_').
The total set includes 15 million query messages and the last column the percentage
out of all the queries.
# |
Query |
Occur. |
% |
# |
Query |
Occur. |
% |
1 |
divx avi |
11 |
divx |
2 |
spiderman avi |
12 |
spiderman |
3 |
p___ mpg |
13 |
xxx avi |
4 |
star wars avi |
14 |
capture the light |
5 |
avi |
15 |
buffy mpg |
6 |
s__ mpg |
16 |
g__ mpg |
7 |
Eminem |
17 |
buffy avi |
8 |
eminem mp3 |
18 |
t___ mpg |
9 |
dvd avi |
19 |
seinfeld v_____ |
10 |
b______ |
20 |
xxx mpg |
Our Contribution
In this thesis we consider a fully distributed technique for addressing
the information retrieval problem in pure P2P networks. We propose
the Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM), an efficient, scalable but yet
simple mechanism for improving the information retrieval problem in
P2P systems.
Our algorithm exploits the locality of past queries by using well
established techniques from the Information Retrieval field. To our
knowledge no previous work has been done using similar
techniques. Finally our technique is distributed and a node can make
autonomous decisions without coordinating with any other peers which
therefore both reduce networking and processing costs.
The thesis is organized as following: Section 2 discusses
related work and a number of different techniques for Information Retrieval
in P2P systems. Section 3
presents the components of the Intelligent Search mechanism. In
section 4 we make an analytical study of the compared
techniques. Section 5 describes PeerWare, our
distributed simulation infrastructure which is deployed on 50 machines.
Section 6 presents our
experimental results under various scenarios and
section 7 concludes this thesis.
Information Retrieval in P2P Networks
In this chapter we consider a number of different techniques to search
in P2P networks. The techniques presented in sections 2.1 to 2.7 are appropriate in
the context of Information Retrieval since users can search based on
keywords. In section 2.8 and 2.9 we present two
distributed lookup protocols which allow peer-to-peer applications to
efficiently locate a node that stores a particular object.
These two techniques are not applicable in the context of Information Retrieval
since we are searching based on keywords rather than identifiers.
For the next sections we consider a network of
nodes (peers),
with average degree
), that is, each peer is directly connected to around
other peers. For a given peer
, the peers of
those nodes in the network that have a direct connection to
Figure 2.1 shows an example of a peer-to-peer
network. Each node in the figure represents a peer and an edge
corresponds to a direct communication between the peers.
Each peer possesses and maintains a set of documents, which can be
also made available to his peers. This set represents the knowledge of
the peer. We assume that each document is stored in semi-structured
form: for each document we have a set of attributes, such as, date,
place, title as well as text. We assume that the queries are
unstructured and that they are sampled from the documents collections.
The "naive" Breadth First Search (BFS) Technique
Figure 2.1:
Searching in a peer-to-peer network with Breadth First Search BFS: Each peer forwards the query to all its neighbors.
BFS is a technique widely used in P2P file sharing applications, such as Gnutella.
BFS sacrifices performance and network utilization in the sake of its simplicity.
The BFS search protocol in the peer-to-peer network
(see figure 2.1)
works as follows.
A node
issues search messages when it wants to search for data and
information among its peers. The node generates a Query message
with and propagates the message to all of his neighbors.
When a peer
receives a Query request, it first forwards the query to all
the peers, other that the sender, and then searches its local
repository for relevant matches. If some node
receives the query and has a match,
generates a QueryHit message to transmit the result. The QueryHit
message includes information such as the number of corresponding documents and
the network connectivity of the answering peer.
If for example node
receives a QueryHit
from more than one peer, it may choose to do the actual download
from the peer with the best network connectivity. QueryHit messages
are sent along the same path that carried the incoming Query messages.
The disadvantage of BFS is that a query is consuming excessive network and processing
resources because a query is propagated along all links (including nodes with high latencies).
Therefore the network can easily become a bottleneck.
One technique to avoid flooding the whole network with messages
for a single query is to associate each query with a time_to_live (TTL)
field. The TTL field determines the maximum number of hops that a given
query should be forwarded. In a typical Gnutella search the initial value for the TTL is
usually 7, which is decremented each time the query is forwarded.
When the TTL becomes 0, the message is no longer forwarded.
We will show that this technique is not adequate for reducing messaging
and that we can further improve on that.
The Random Breadth-First-Search (RBFS) Technique
In [20] we propose and evaluate the Random Breadth-First-Search (RBFS) technique that can dramatically
improve over the naive BFS approach.
In RBFS (see figure 2.2) each peer
forwards a search message
to only a fraction of its peers. Node
randomly selects a subset of its peers to
propagate the search request. The fraction of peers that are
selected is a parameter
to the mechanism.
The advantage of this technique is that it does not require any global knowledge.
Every node is able to make local decisions in a fast manner since it only needs
to select half of its incoming and outgoing connections.
On the other hand, this algorithm is probabilistic. Therefore some large segments of the
network may become unreachable because a node was not able to understand
that a particular link would lead the query to a large segment of the graph.
Figure 2.2:
Searching in a peer-to-peer network with Random Breadth First Search RBFS: Each peer forwards the query to a subset of its neighbors.
Searching using Random Walkers
Figure 2.3:
Searching using a 2-walker. Each node forwards the query to a random neighbor.
In [19] a search technique based on random walks is presented.
In the proposed algorithm each node forwards a query message by selecting
a random neighbor and the query message is called a walker.
In order to reduce the time to receive the results the idea of the walker
is extended to a k-walker which after
steps is expected to reach approximately the
same number of nodes
as 1 walker after
steps. In order to thwart duplicate messages each node
may retain states. This algorithm resembles much the Random Breadth
First Search (RBFS) Technique with the difference that in RBFS each node forwards a query message to a fraction of its
neighbors and that in RBFS the incurred increase in messages is exponential while
in the k-Walker model the messages used is linear. Both RBFS and K-walker do not use
any explicit technique
to guide the search query to the most relevant content, which is a desirable property
in Information Retrieval, making it therefore inappropriate in our context.
Directed BFS and the Most Results in Past (
RES) Heuristic.
The most closely related technique to our work is presented in [29].
The authors present a technique where each node forwards a query to
some of its peers based on some aggregated statistics.
The authors compare a number of query routing heuristics and mention
that the The Most Results in Past (
RES) heuristic
has the best satisfaction performance. A query is defined to be
satisfied if
, for some constant
, or more results are returned.
RES a peer
forwards a search message
the peers which returned the most results for the last 10 queries.
In their experiments they chose
turning in that way their approach from a
Directed BFS into a Depth-First-Search approach.
The technique is similar to the Intelligent Search Mechanism
we propose, but uses simpler information about the peers, and
is optimized to find
documents efficiently (for a fixed
rather than finding all documents.
Although the authors mention that
RES performs well because past performance
is a good indicator for future performance in our work we identify some further
points that justify the
RES's performance.
Figure 2.4:
RES heuristic is able to identify stable neighbors, neighbors connected with many others
as well as neighbors which are not overloaded. It however fails to explore nodes which
contain content related to a query.
From the experimental analysis performed in section 6 we conclude
RES performs well because it manages to capture one important
problem in P2P systems, namely network instability.
RES metric for a connection can be translated as a metric of stability of that
particular peer or of the network segment that particular peer connects us to.
RES captures the network segments which are not overloaded since usually
those segments return the less results. For example in figure 2.4 node
has a loaded queue and is therefore not able to promptly route and answer queries.
RES provides an insight on the number of peers or documents which are hidden
behind a particular node. In the same example we can see that node
may lead us a big
segment with potentially many results.
Although the
RES has many advantages it doesn't manage to explore the nodes
which contain content related to the query.
We therefore characterize
RES as a quantitative rather than qualitative
Using Randomized Gossiping to Replicate Global State
Figure 2.5:
A Bloom Filter that uses 4 hash functions and has a size of m=8 bits.
In PlanetP [7] an approach for constructing a
content addressable publish/ subscribe service that uses gossiping of
global state across unstructured communities is proposed.
Their approach uses Bloom filters to propagate global state
across the community.
A Bloom filters [2] is a method for representing a
of n elements to support membership
queries. More specifically a Bloom Filter is a vector
which is able to compress the content of
by only using
can be thought as an index of all the keywords found in the
repository of some node
. Intuitively propagating
is an
expensive operation making it therefore inappropriate for large
communities. Therefore
uses the vector
hash functions,
each with range {1,..,m}, and
hashes each keyword (i.e.
) with the
functions. Given
somebody may query the data collection by
computing the
hash functions of a particular query term and then
checking if all the positions in
are set to 1. If yes then there
is a high probability that the query term indeed is part of the
collection. "False positives" can be eliminated drastically, as shown
in [9] by choosing the appropriate values for
. The reason why PlanetP uses Bloom Filters is that the
cost of replacing a bloom vector in the global index is constant
(i.e. m bits).
In PlanetP each node randomly propagates a membership directory
and a compact content index which are merged to the local
structure of each node. Therefore given that each node
an updated list with of (IP, Bloom Filter) pairs a node can perform
a local search to derive which nodes have the searching term and then
forward the query to only those peers which have potentially some answer.
Then each node that receives the query either performs an exhaustive
search or performs a selective search using the vector space rank model.
The later uses, similarly to the ISM mechanism, the cosine similarity
to measure the similarity between two vectors (i.e. the query and the document).
The main distinction is that they are using the cosine similarity in a
different context (i.e. for giving the most related answers) while
in ISM we use the cosine similarity to route the query to the hosts
that have answered the most related queries in the past.
The main advantage of PlanetP, with respect to the Distributed HashTable
approaches, is that the documents
being shared by the nodes are not required to be replicated or moved,
making it therefore appropriate for dynamic environments. The main
disadvantage though, as with every system that uses global
knowledge, is the scalability issue. Although some methods for scaling
beyond communities of 10000 nodes are proposed in the paper
none of them is experimentally evaluated.
Searching Using Local Routing Indices
Table 2.1:
An example of a Compound Routing Index at node
The first row presents
the local index of A while the rest rows indicate how many documents are reachable
through each neighbor.
@A |
Number of Documents |
Database Related |
Network Related |
Theory Related |
A |
300 |
20 |
80 |
0 |
B |
100 |
20 |
0 |
10 |
C |
1000 |
0 |
300 |
0 |
D |
200 |
100 |
0 |
150 |
In [6] Crespo et al, present a hybrid technique
which addresses the issue of building and maintaining
local indices which will contain the "direction" towards
the documents. More specifically three different techniques,
namely Compound Routing Indexes (CRI),
Hop-Count Routing Index (HRI) and Exponentially aggregated RI (ERI)
are presented and evaluated over different topologies like tree, tree with cycles
and powerlaw. The ideas deployed in the routing indexes schemes can be thought
as the routing tables deployed in
the Bellman Ford or Distance Vector Routing Algorithm, which is used in many
practical routing protocols like BGP and the original ARPAnet [17].
More specifically a node knows which peers will lead him to the desirable amount
of documents but it doesn't know the exact path to the documents.
As shown in table 2.1 in
a node
maintains for each neighbor
some statistics which indicate how many documents are reachable through each neighbor.
The main limitation of
is that it does not take into account the number
of hops required to reach some documents. Therefore the
Hop-Count Routing Index (HRI) is proposed which uses a different neighbor
goodness model (i.e. the model that defines to which neighbor to forward the query to).
and where we maintain a CRI index for
hops (i.e. {
Since this approach has a prohibitive storage cost for large values of
Exponentially aggregated RI (ERI) is proposed, and which addresses this issue
by aggregating HRI using a cost formula.
Their experimentation reveals that
significant improvements over not using any routing index while on the same
time they keep the update costs low.
Since the Local indices technique is essentially a push
update, where each peer sends to its peers information
about its documents (along with updates every time a local
update happens), thus it is complementary to our approach
where the profiles get updated when a peer answers a query.
Centralized Approaches
In centralized systems there is an inverted index over all the documents
in the collection of the participating hosts.
These include commercial information retrieval systems such as
web search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo) that are centralized processes,
as well as P2P models that provide centralized indexes
Figure 2.6 illustrates the usage of centralized systems such as
Napster [23]. In the first step node
an index of all its shared documents to the centralized repository
then integrates the contents of
in its own index in such a way that
searching for a keyword becomes efficient (i.e. an inverted index). Of course
the actual index might be partitioned using some hashing scheme, along
several machines in order to accommodate larger indexes. In the second
step some node
can search the community by sending a query message to
. Now if we
suppose that
can satisfy
query criterion then
responds to
's address (i.e. IP and port). In the third step node
(using an out-of-band protocol such as HTTP) and requests the document that
found through
Figure 2.6:
In centralized approaches there is usually an inverted index
all the documents in the collection of the participating hosts .
These techniques represent an altogether different philosophy,
and they are not directly comparable. In general, one
trades simplicity and robustness with improved search time and
more expensive resources.
Centralized approaches are faster and guarantee to find
all results while the decentralized approaches allow always
fresh contents and are less costly.
Depth-First-Search and Freenet
Freenet [4] is a distributed information storage and retrieval
system designed to address the concerns of privacy and availability.
The system is transparently
moving, replicating and deleting files based on usage patterns
and its search algorithm does not rely on flooding or centralized indexes.
Figure 2.7:
Freenet uses an intelligent Depth-First-Search mechanism along with caching of
keys/objects at intermediate nodes. The intermediate caching achieves redundancy
as well as anonymity.
The query model in freenet is based on an intelligent Depth-First-Search
(DFS) mechanism which tries to find a given file.
A query in Freenet is identified by a 64-bit transaction ID chosen randomly and locally at each peer,
In order to bound the number of hops a query travels, Freenet uses the Time-To-Live (TTL)
parameter which is widely used in networking applications and protocols.
In their model a user searching for file
first computes the key*
of A (i.e.
checks its local key table and if it does not find the object it passes
to some intelligently chosen neighbor (see figure 2.7).
The neighbor chosen is the neighbor that has the closest key*
(lexicographic distance between keys).
passes recursively through a chain of nodes in
which each node makes a local decision about where to send the request next.
Therefore their idea relies only on local knowledge rather than any type of
centralized or global knowledge.
Once the object is found, either from the original publisher
or from somebody who holds a replica of it
, it is sent along the same path the query arrived.
In the example of figure 2.7,
augments along with the
queryhit message a notice that he is the one who holds the document.
Therefore the downloader is not able to know whether he is the original publisher
or not. The fact that requests pass through a chain of peers ensures the privacy of the requester and the fact that data is replicated ensures that the original
publisher is never known.
Our approach is more general because Freenet allows only searching with
file identifiers, instead of the file contents.
In addition, we use modified versions of the Breadth-First-Search approach,
where many messages are propagated in the network concurrently, rather than a
Depth-First-Search approach, where each node sends a
message to one peer and waits for a reply before forwarding
it to another peer. The advantage of DFS search is that
a small set of peers can be queried quickly and efficiently;
however by its nature it can take a long time if we want
to find all the results to a query,
that happen to be distributed in many peers.
Another drawback is that initially Freenet might perform in the worst case
as bad as the flooding algorithm but it is expected to improve over time
as a node develops more knowledge.
Moreover Peer-to-Peer environments tend to be unstable and connections
in such environments might be in the order of minutes, since nodes
are joining and leaving. This inherently means that query messages
may be trapped in the network because the reverse path of a query message
was lost due to a broken connection.
Consistent Hashing and Chord
In this section we introduce Chord [27] which
is a distributed lookup protocol that uses a consistent hashing scheme.
Chord like other Distributed HashTable (DHT) algorithms allows
peer-to-peer applications to efficiently locate a node that stores a
particular object.
In Chord one basic operation, lookup(key), returns the
address (i.e. IP) of the node storing the object with that key.
This operation allows nodes to put
and get files in the community only based on their key.
In the proposed technique an m-bit identifier is used to hash
both Nodes*
. Although Chord is not restricted to any particular hash
function the scheme deploys SHA1 which is widely used and in which collision of
two keys is difficult.
The next operation is to assign each Node N and Key k in a one-
dimensional circular key space which has
many slots (figure 2.8). The key
is assigned its successor, which is the first
that is equal or follows the value of
In order to make lookups more efficient a node maintains the finger table
which contains a number of successors. Therefore
in the steady state a node is maintaining information about only
nodes, where N is the size of the network, and since data items are stored in
specific locations object lookups involve
messages. Every time a node
joins or leaves the system the protocol does not require more than
messages for updating the finger tables of the rest nodes.
Figure 2.8:
Chord uses a consistent hashing scheme to organize objects and nodes in a virtual circle. The proposed algorithm provides an efficient way for looking up objects.
In the example of figure 2.8, we are searching for file1 from node
. From
's finger table the algorithm decides to continue the lookup through
, which's key immediately precedes the one of file1 (i.e.
The same happens at nodes
which continues the lookup through node
at which point the lookup completes successfully.
The use of Consistent Hashing scheme has two major advantages: (i) Little data
movement in the case nodes join or leave the network*
and (ii) there is good
load balancing since each node has approximately the same amount of keys
The main advantage of Chord over Freenet or other approaches presented in this
chapter is that we can have efficient and predictable object lookup.
Although Chord is appropriate for applications like distributed file
systems, application layer multicast it is not suitable in
the context of Information Retrieval because in the later we are searching the
contents of the shared documents rather than the objects.
Furthermore DHT algorithms present some drawbacks
in environments were nodes join/leave at high paces since the finger tables
won't be in steady state which can lead to wrong routings.
Furthermore data moving may take considerably long time if objects are large.
The Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM)
In this section we present the Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM)
which is a new mechanism for information retrieval in the P2P networks.
The objective of our algorithm is to help the querying
peer to find the most
relevant answers to its query quickly and efficiently rather
than finding the larger number of answers.
Keys to improving the speed and efficiency of the
information retrieval mechanism is to minimize
the communication costs, that is, the number of messages
sent between the peers, and to minimize the number
of peers that are queried for each search request.
To achieve this, a peer estimates for each query,
which of its peers are more likely to reply to this
query, and propagates the query message to those peers only.
Design Issues of the ISM mechanism.
The design objectives of the Intelligent Search Mechanism were the following:
- Maintain Only Local Knowledge.
Approaches that maintain global
state tend to have a significant communication overhead which makes them
inefficient for dynamic environments were the participants are not known a' priori.
uses only local state information of a constant size which therefore minimizes
the communication overhead.
- Avoid Data Replication.
Distributed HashTable approaches usually distribute
resources along with the keys to nodes in a network. That approach has a significant
overhead for nodes that join the network only for a short period of time.
Consider for a example a node
that joins the network for a few minutes.
This node is assigned by the global hashing scheme some
files which will
be transferred to
. The size of the
files might be in the order of
several Megabytes yielding therefore a significant communication cost.
decides to leave the network after a few minutes the network
did not gain anything by replicating the k files.
on the other hand assumes that no replication takes place in a network of nodes.
This is also a reasonable assumption from the social point of view
(i.e. "Why would some node share resources used by somebody else?"), although
we don't claim that DHTs are appropriate for file sharing applications.
- Reduce Messaging.
Although brute force techniques such as Breadth-First-Search (section 2.1)
are simple since they don't require any form of global knowledge,
they are expensive in terms of messages.
addresses this issue by intelligently forwarding query messages
to nodes that have a high probability of answering the particular queries.
- Route Queries to Relevant Content.
Although approaches such as Random Breadth-First-Search (section 2.2) or
the Random Walkers (section 2.3) significantly reduce messaging
they do not address the issue of finding the most relevant content.
on the other hand uses the
of a peer to forward a
query to the peers that have the highest potentiality of answering
the particular query.
Components of the ISM mechanism.
The Intelligent Search mechanism for
distributed information retrieval consists of
four components:
- A Search Mechanism to send the query to the peers.
This is the only mechanism used by a node to communicate with its peers.
It is the same mechanism employed by the Gnutella protocol
for communications between peers.
- A Profile Mechanism, that a peer uses to keep a profile for each
of its neighbors. The profile keeps the most recent past replies coming
from each neighbor.
- RelevanceRank, which is a peer ranking mechanism that a peer
runs locally using the profiles of its peers and the specific
query. The mechanism ranks the peers in
in order to send the search query
to the most likely peers.
- A Cosine Similarity function that a peer uses locally to find
the similarity between different search queries.
The Search Mechanism
Assume that a peer initiates a search to find documents about
a specific topic. Since it is initiating the search, we call
him the querying_peer. The querying_peer generates
a Query message that describes his request, finds which
of his peers are most likely to provide an answer (using
the profile mechanism and the peer ranking mechanism)
and broadcasts the Query message to those peers only.
If a peer receives a query message we call him the receiver_peer. If
the receiver_peer can provide an answer, it returns an answer
to the requesting querying_peer. It also
propagates the Query message only to those of his peers
it considers most likely to provide the answer (Figure 3.1).
To provide a termination condition so that the messages are not
propagated indefinitely in the network, the querying_peer
sets a bound on the depth of the recursion. When a reply QueryHit message is sent
back to the querying_peer, the peers in the answer path
(which is the same as the query path)
record the query and the name of the peer that provided the
answer in a
table, illustrated in Table 3.1.
Each peer sets a bound on
the number of pairs to be recorded, and uses a least recently
used strategy to allow space for new queries.
Figure 3.1:
Searching in a peer-to-peer network with the Intelligent Search Mechanism ISM: Each peer uses the knowledge it obtains from monitoring the
past queries to propagate the query messages only to a subset
of the peers.
Peer Profiles
To decide to which peers a query will be sent, a node
ranks all its peers with respect to the given query.
The number of peers that a query will be sent is a
parameter that is defined by the user.
To rank its peers, each node maintains a profile for each
of its peers. The profile contains the list of the
most recent past queries, which peers provided an answer for a particular query
as well as the number of results that a particular peer returned.
Although logically we consider each profile to be a distinct list
of queries, in the implementation we use a single
table (see table 3.1) which records
the described information.
The node accumulates the list of past queries by
continuously monitoring
and recording the Query and the corresponding
QueryHit messages it receives.
The node keeps the list of queries in its local repository.
For each node this list is incomplete, because each node
can only record information about those queries that were
routed through it.
The node uses
a size limit
that limits the number of
queries in each profile. Once the repository is
full, the node uses a Least Recently Used (LRU) policy
to keep the most recent queries in the repository.
Since the node keeps profiles for its (
) neighbors only,
the total size of the repository is
Table 3.1:
The Peer's Profile Mechanism snapshot.
It shows from which neighbors
(i.e. {P1,P2...}) each queryhit came from and on which time (timestamp).
Query Keywords |
Connections & Hits |
Timestamp |
Columbia NASA Nevada |
G568FS |
( ,50),( ,80),...,( ,10) |
10000000 |
Elections Usa Bush |
OF34QA |
10001000 |
... |
... |
.... |
... |
Superbowl San Diego |
LQI65D |
( ,20), ( ,30) |
10012300 |
Peer Ranking
For each query received by a node
uses the profiles of its peers to find which ones are more
likely to have documents that are relevant to the query.
To compute the ranking,
the query to previously seen queries and finds the most
similar ones. To find the similarity between
the queries, it uses the Nearest Neighbor classification mechanism.
The reason that we employ this technique
is that it is simple, and it has shown to have good accuracy in
many different settings.
Since it is likely that some peers will be associated with
many similar queries and others with some, we compute the
RelevanceRank (RR), which is the aggregate weighted similarity
of a peer to a given query. Given
most similar queries to
, peer
computes the RelevanceRank
, of peer
to query
as follows:
is one of the
most similar queries to
This parameter limits the influence to the similarity to
the most similar queries only. In addition
is the number of results returned by
for query
. This
allows us to rank higher the peers that returned more results.
Finally, we use the
, which allows us to add more weight
to the most similar queries. For example, when
is very large,
reduces to one-nearest neighbor.
reduces to
-nearest neighbor.
adds up the similarities of
all queries that have been answered by the peer.
then sends the query
to the
peers (for a user defined constant
that have the higher RelevanceRank.
Consider the following example where we assume that
wants to send a query
to two of its peers.
be the most similar
queries to
, among the ones
has information about,
. If peer
, peer
answered queries
, and peer
answered queries
, then we compute the aggregate similarities of the three
peers to the query
as follows:
chooses to send the query only to peers
The Profile Mechanism of a host
is shown in table 3.1.
As we can see, each query
that was routed through
is logged
along with the peers {
} from where a queryhit came from.
pair which shows the number of results that came from
can be found in the Connections & Hits column. The ranking mechanism
performance is bounded by the number of entries and therefore yields
good performance when the table has not an excessive amount of entries.
Distance Function: The Cosine Similarity
In order to find the most likely peers to answer a
given query we need a function
is the query space),
to compute the similarity
between different queries.
Since the queries are sets of keywords, we can use a number
of different techniques that have been used effectively in
information retrieval. We make the assumption that a
peer that has a document that is relevant to a given query
is likely to have documents that are relevant to
similar queries. This is a reasonable assumption if
each peer concentrates on a set of topics.
The cosine similarity (formula 3.1) metric between 2 vectors
) has been used extensively
in information retrieval, and we use this
distance function in our setting.
be the set of all words that have appeared in queries.
We define an
-dimensional space where each query is a
vector. For example, if the set
is the words
and we have a query
, then the vector that corresponds
to this query is (1,1,0,0). Similarly, the vector that
corresponds to query
is (0,1,1,0).
In the cosine similarity model, the similarity
of the two
queries is simply the cosine of the angle between the two
(1) |
Random Perturbation
One problem of the technique we outline above is that
it is possible for search messages to get locked into a cycle.
The problem is that the search will
fail then to explore other parts of the peer-to-peer
network and may not discover many results.
Figure 3.2:
With Random Perturbation we give node
the opportunity to break the cycle (A,B,C,D) in which
queries may get locked and therefore allow it to explore a larger part of the network and
find the correct answers.
Consider for example figure 3.2 and the following scenario:
Peer A receives a query
which has no answer from any of the displayed nodes (i.e. A,B,C or D). Further each node answers to the conjunction of the terms found in
Suppose that A chooses to forward
to B,C and D because these nodes have successfully
answered to a similar query in the past. Therefore
doesn't choose node
which this time would lead him to the correct results. Query
gets consequently locked in a
cycle (i.e. A,B,C,D) and fails to explore the segments of the network which contain the
correct answer.
To solve this problem, we pick a small random subset of
and add it to the set of best peers for each query.
As a result, even if the best peers form a cycle, with
high probability the mechanism will explore a larger part of the network and will learn
about the contents of additional peers.
Performance Analysis of the Proposed Techniques
In this section we describe the characteristics of the proposed techniques, in
comparison with the Gnutella protocol which is a BFS Algorithm with some TTL
(Time-to-Live) parameter that limits the depth that a query travels.
We concentrate on the recall rate, that is,
the fraction of documents our search mechanism retrieves compared to
the other mechanisms, and the efficiency of the technique,
that is, the ratio of number of messages that the different
techniques use for the same search.
Performance of the BFS Algorithm
Assume a graph
nodes and
where each node
has a degree of
. If each unique query
is forwarded exactly
once by each node
, then
will be forwarded a
total number of
The reason for this is that
when a given node
receives a query
from some query peer
messages to its neighbors (i.e. except the sender),
Since each
exactly once,
is forwarded a total number of
Performance of the Random BFS Algorithm
We first consider the performance
of the modified random BFS technique where each
peer selects a random subset of its peers to
propagate a request (that is, here a profile of its peers
is not used). In a P2P network with a random graph
topology, this mechanism searches the nodes of the
graph more efficiently (that is, it sends fewer messages)
than the BFS algorithm.
Consider a random graph
nodes and
that has average degree
. For a given node
be the set of nodes at distance at most
. When a node
starts a
Gnutella search with
(Time To Live, as per the
Gnutella search protocol),
messages to its neighbors,
each being propagated
Since the BFS mechanism explores all the edges in the graph,
the number of messages send by the Gnutella
protocol is at least
Assume on the other hand that each node only propagates
the message to a randomly chosen subset of its neighbors,
of size
(for a suitably chosen
Using the same TTL (
), if
is smaller
the expected total number of messages sent
, and the expected number of
vertices that this
modified BFS process visits is at least
This is because if
is smaller than
then most of the nodes visited in each iteration are new nodes.
Consider a node
) from
. If
with high probability each edge of
is connected
to a node not in
, we have that,
the modified BFS needs at most a fraction of
of the number of messages used by the Gnutella protocol to
visit approximately the same number of vertices.
Performance of the Intelligent Search Mechanism
The previous discussion indicates that propagating a query to a random
subset of one's peers
is more efficient when searching
nodes in a P2P network with random graph topology
than using the Gnutella protocol (with respect to the total number
of messages). However this approach is approximate, and cannot
guarantee that all nodes in
are found.
Consider for example a case where two large sub-graphs
are connected by one edge. If the node attached to
that edge does not choose this edge, the other
sub-graph will never be explored.
The Intelligent Search technique we
outlined in the previous section attempts to identify edges that are likely
to have good information.
Nevertheless, the accuracy of the mechanism clearly depends on how accurately
a peer can compute which of its peers is likely to answer a given query.
Work on distributed information retrieval has shown that current techniques
for database selection can give good performance.
Experiments show that requesting a random set of
documents from a collection is sufficient to obtain
accurate estimates on the word frequencies in this collection.
These results are directly applicable only
for the case that each peer has full statistical information
for its peers.
Our setting is different because the information
we collect is incomplete; these are only the queries that peers reply to, rather
than all the documents in the actual replies.
This is certainly very useful when very similar queries
We also note that the more efficient search allows us to
use a larger TTL compared with the Gnutella protocol, while
still having a smaller number of messages overall. As a
result, this mechanism can visit nodes that the Gnutella
protocol would not visit without sending a large number of messages.
We explore this trade-off in the experimental evaluation of the technique.
In summary, the Intelligent Search mechanism for distributed information
retrieval that we propose has the following characteristics:
- The algorithm uses fewer messages compared to the
standard Gnutella strategy, and
scales better with respect to the size of the network
(because it can search a larger network using the same number
of messages)
- The size of the profiles is proportional to the number
of direct connections per peer. This is likely to remain
small (constant) even for very large networks.
- The scheme uses the combined knowledge about the peers,
and adapts and modifies its behavior as each peer learns
more information about its peers. On the other hand,
peers do not have to export any information about their
PeerWare Simulation Infrastructure
In order to benchmark the applicability and efficiency of our
algorithms we have implemented PeerWare, a distributed middleware infrastructure
which allows us to benchmark different routing algorithms over large-scale P2P systems.
Probing different query-routing algorithms over middleware P2P systems can be interesting from many points of views:
- In real settings the scalability of various query-routing algorithms may
be explored to the fullest extend since there are no assumptions which
are typical in simulation environments.
- Moreover many properties, such as network failures, dropped queries
due to overloaded peers and others may reveal many interesting patterns.
- Finally, in a middleware infrastructure we are also able to capture the
actual time to satisfy queryhits.
Unfortunately most simulators fail to capture these properties and their results are
therefore inadequate. Other approaches such as [29] tend to build simulation
environments based on statistics obtained from real P2P networks. We mention that our
middleware infrastructure can be adjusted to many different parameters making it appropriate
for many different settings.
Simulating Peer-to-Peer Systems
The Anthill Project [3] developed at the University of
Bologna uses Jtella [21] Java API as a basis for building
a fully customizable API for the Gnutella network. The aim of the
project is to create a simulation framework which will allow researchers to develop
and validate new P2P algorithms.
The system itself is inspired from the biological metaphor of Ant colonies.
They mention that real Ants are known to locate the shortest path to a food source using as only
information the trails of chemical substances called pheromones deposited by other ants.
Moreover they mention that although individual ants are unintelligent and have no explicit problem
solving capability, ant colonies manage to perform several complicated tasks with high degrees of
Although the project doesn't emphasize particularly on P2P case studies, it is worth it to mention that
they are currently using their framework to investigate the properties of the Freenet [4] algorithm
by modifying its protocol and comparing the performances of different implementations.
Their framework intends to obtain:
- Information about the queries performed by users and their
distribution. More specifically they aim to find popular queries or
keywords that may be exploited to implement intelligent caching
- Information about the files stored in the Gnutella network, which
might be obtained by logging the Gnutella QUERYHIT messages.
- Information about the shape of the network, which might be obtained by
actively probing Gnutella PING and PONG messages. They also intend to
take advantage of the Gnutella PUSH messages in order to partially
investigate which files are downloaded by users.
Although Anthill uses the notion of scenarios, which is composed of a collection of interconnected nodes and
a scheduling of requests to be performed, there is no documentation on that.
Modeling Large-Scale Peer-to-Peer Networks
Jovanovic et al. study [15], of Modeling Large-scale
Peer-to-Peer Networks, is to our knowledge the only comprehensive work
done in the area of modeling Peer-to-Peer systems.
Their study reveals that Gnutella has some important structural properties,
such as small-world properties and several power-law distributions
of certain graph metrics. They mention the famous Milgram's experiment [22] which was
conducted in the early 1960's, and in which a number of letters, addressing a person in the Boston area,
were posted to a randomly selected group of people in Nebraska. Each person who received the letter forwarded it to someone
that they knew, on a first name basis. As many of the letters finally reached the designated person, the average number of hops
observed was between five and six. Their study reveals that a similar, small world property existed in the Gnutella Network.
More specifically in 5 different snapshots of the Gnutella Network they found that the diameter of the network ranged from 8-12.
In their work they have also discovered that the Gnutella Network obeys all four of the power-laws
described in Faloutsos et al. work. [8]. More specifically they found, on a
Gnutella snapshot gathered on the
of December 2000, that the Rank Exponent
(Power-Law 1)
holds with
and a correlation coefficient of
. It is important to mention that similar results which were obtained
one month earlier by an independent group at U. of Chicago [26]. The same group claims that this power law faded-out
in repeated experiments in the March-June 2001 period.
Jovanovic's study on the same snapshot of data also revealed that the Outdegree Exponent
(Power-Law 2) also holds with
although this comes in disagreement with the
exponent found in the 6 month earlier study of the DSS [5] group.
Their study finally shows that the Hop-Plot Exponent
(Power-Law 3) and Eigen Exponent
(Power-Law 4) hold for
four different snapshots with very high coefficients of
The general belief is that earlier versions of the Gnutella Network were Power-Law but as the network has grown this property doesn't hold any more.
One important fact is that as the Gnutella network became more mature, more intelligent clients were added to the network. Intelligent clients can affect
dramatically the way a Network Crawler operates. The latter relies on the fact that clients will respond to its requests but in the case the clients do not
comply with this requirement, the Network crawler will generate inaccurate data.
They are also presenting interesting visualizations of their gathered data, which were visualized with LEDA [18]. The main
disadvantage of their study is that their experiments were
performed on a small set of peers (1000), which is not representative
of the today's picture of the network. Additionally, their Gnutella
Crawler Implementation is in some sense static since it starts from a
pre-specified seed file of peers and relies on the fact that it will
discover new nodes on runtime.
In the rest of this chapter we will provide a technical description of the four components which
comprise the PeerWare simulation testbed. These components are dataGen the dataset generator,
the network topology generator, dataPeer a hybrid xml-p2p client which answers to
queries from its local xml repository and searchPeer a P2P client which performs the queries in the dataPeer network.
dataGen - The Dataset Generator
Table 5.1:
A sample XML record from a dataPeer's XML repository.
DATE 2-MAR-1987 09:36:46.03 DATE |
TITLE Netherlands 47 mln... TITLE |
BODY This raised the amount of... BODY |
dataGen is a Reuter's [25] dataset transformer which
takes as input the Reuter's set of documents and transforms it into a
collection of XML documents by some of the following criterions,
which are found in the collection:
{Date, Topics, Places, People, Orgs, Companies}.
For our experiments we have chosen the Places criterion which clusters
the documents by country.
There were 104 different countries with at least 5 documents,
and the total number of documents for these 104 countries
(some documents belong to more than one country).
We created a network of 104 peers. The topology
was a random graph with average degree 8 (random graphs with
more than
average degree are almost certainly
connected). Each peer was assigned data from exactly one country.
Table 5.2:
PDOM-XQL and Retrieving an XQL ResultSet of all articles of a given country.
static final String query =
public XQLResult getAllRecords() { |
XQLResult r = XQL.execute(query, doc); |
System.out.println("Row(s) found : " + r.getItem(0) + " " + r.getLength()); |
return r; |
} |
The objective of the Dataset Generator was to generate sets of documents
about specific topics in order to represent the specialized knowledge of each peer.
The dataset generator is implemented in Java and uses IBM's XML Parser [14]
along with the GMD-IPSI XQL engine [10], which is a Java based storage and query application for large XML documents.
The GMD-IPSI XQL engine offers the Persistent Document Object Model (PDOM) class
which implements the full W3C-DOM API on indexed, binary XML files.
Therefore documents are parsed only once and stored in binary form for future usage.
The cache architecture of the engine makes the engine a Memory-Disk structure highly
appropriate for large XML documents which can't physically fit in main memory.
PDOM has increased performance as compared to the Document Object Model (PDOM)
implemented by most of the XML Parsers and which tries to build an in-memory
data structure of the XML documents and which usually has a great performance penalty.
The XQL processor is used to query PDOM files by providing both the PDOM Document
and the query to be processed (Table 5.2).
graphGen - Network Graph Generator
Table 5.3:
The country-hosts.graph file for "australia" shows the outgoing connections that will be established during initialization.
#UCR Random Graph generator |
country=australia | |
port=10002 |
#Peers that "australia" should connect to |,10013 |,10008 |,10016 |,10021 |,10000 |,10024 |,10012 |
graphGen, is the component responsible for generating the simulation topology.
More specifically, it generates a set of configuration files which can be read by
the various nodes that comprise the simulation network topology.
graphGen starts out by reading graph.conf, which contains among
others the following parameters:
- Outdegree of a node, which is used in the case a random graph.
- Topology of the P2P network (e.g. random graph).
- IP List of hosts that will participate in a simulation.
This allows us to map a logical topology (e.g. Node1 -
Node10) to many
different IP topologies
The output of graphgen is a directory of several country-hosts.graph files (see table 5.3).
Each file contains the IP and port address of hosts to which a particular country
must connect to. We are currently working on incorporating various other topology
alternatives, such as tree, tree-with added cycles, or power-law.
Table 5.4:
Distribution of Gnutella IP Addresses to Domains.
# |
Country |
Domain |
IP Addresses |
Total Percentage% |
1 |
Network |
.net |
2 |
US Commercial |
.com |
3 |
Canada |
.ca |
4 |
France |
.fra |
5 |
US Educational |
.edu |
6 |
England |
.uk |
7 |
Germany |
.de |
8 |
Australia |
.au |
9 |
Austria |
.at |
10 |
Netherlands |
.nl |
On table 5.4 we can see the distribution of domains from
a set of 300,000 IP addresses found in the Gnutella Network.
These results, which we gathered in [30], will be used in our future
work, to build a more realistic network topology that will again facilitate the
evaluation of our query routing techniques.
Figure 5.1:
Visualization of a random graph with 104 peers & degree=4, with graphGen.
These alternatives
can easily be embodied in our system since it requires only changes on graphGen rather
than the whole system. grahGen, also generates output which can be piped into
Visualization Tools, such as GraphViz [24], and generate graphical
representations (i.e. directed or undirected graphs) of the network topology.
Figure 5.2:
Visualization of a random graph with 104 peers & degree=2, with graphGen. The graph is connected which is not typical for graphs with a small degree.
Figures 5.1 and 5.2, present a random graph generated with graphGen using Graphviz's dot 2D undirected graph layout. It is important to mention that generating
visualizations for huge graphs can take a considerably large amount of time and may
finally not provide the adequate help in understanding how the network looks like.
Visualizing P2P network graphs is described in some extend in [15].
They try to visualize the Gnutella backbone (i.e. interconnected nodes with
rather than the whole network in order to obtain some more understandable results.
dataPeer, is a P2P client which maintains a local repository of XML documents.
Typical P2P clients answer to queries only based on filename descriptions.
dataPeer on the other hand queries its repository each time a query arrives.
Figure 5.3:
The Components of a dataPeer Brick.
dataPeer consists of three sub-components :
1) The PDOM-XML Manager, which queries efficiently the local xml repository with XQL,
2) A P2P Network module, which provides an interface to the rest of
the network and which implements the various query-routing algorithms, and
3) Routing State Structures, which capture the implementation specific logic of
the proposed query-routing algorithms.
Each dataPeer
reads upon initialization a country-hosts.txt file which contains
of other dataPeer's to which
must connect.
Each dataPeer tries continuously to establish and maintain
its outgoing connections. Therefore we are not required to incorporate any topological sort algorithm.
Connections among dataPeers are achieved by the use of TCP Sockets and are persistent
(they remain open until
shuts down). If a TCP connection goes down because of an
overloaded peer then a node automatically re-establishes the connection after some small
Obviously launching a large number of
dataPeers on many different machines is a tedious procedure. We have therefore constructed
a set of UNIX shell scripts which automatically (by the use of ssh and
public/private keys) connect to any number of machines and launch the dataPeers.
Bringing up a PeerWare Network of 104 dataPeers, on 20 machines, including latencies
such as xml repository manager initialization and others takes about a minute.
searchPeer - The Search-Node
Figure 5.4:
The Components of searchPeer.
searchPeer (Figure 5.4),
is a P2P client which submits a number of queries in a PeerWare
network and harvests the returned results. In contrast with dataPeer,
searchPeer consists only of a Network Module and a Result Logging Mechanism.
Besides logging the number of results it also gathers a number of other statistics
such as the number of nodes answered to a particular query and the time to receive
the results.
searchPeer reads upon initialization the keywords.txt file(see table 5.5), which contains a set of unstructured queries sampled randomly from the
Table 5.5:
Sample set of unstructured queries posted by searchPeer. Each keyword consists of at least 3 characters and the keywords are sampled from the dataset.
# |
Query |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
These queries are submitted sequentially with a small sleep interval between consecutive queries. The reason for that choice was twofold; firstly
it would allow each host to have enough time to process a query request (e.g. a query
message wouldn't stuck in some queue and suffer from long queuing delays) and secondly
it would make sure that the query response time would have some meaningful value and that it would not be a function of how much traffic is currently in the network.
The searchPeer maintains a different session for each query it sent out. In that way it
is able to listen to queryhits that were delayed and which arrive after some new query
was already send out.
The PeerWare infrastructure is implemented entirely
in Java.
Its implementation consists of approximately
lines of code,
of which correspond to the ucr.core.* which contains code
related to the P2P Network Module as well as the different query routing
to ucr.graphgen.* which
contains the graph generator,
to ucr.nodes.* which contains the implementation
of the dataPeer and searchPeer,
to ucr.datagen.* which
includes the code of the dataset generator and the rest
to common I/O libraries.
ucr.core.* initial codebase was based on the Jtella
[21] which is an API for the Gnutella protocol.
A shorten version of the dataPeer implementation is shown in
the Appendix.
Java was chosen for a variety of
reasons. Its object-oriented design enhances the software development
process, supports rapid prototyping and enables the re-use and easy
integration of existing components. Java class libraries provide
support for key features of PeerWare: platform independence,
multithreading, network programming, high-level programming of
distributed applications, string processing, code mobility,
compression, etc. Other Java features, such as automatic garbage
collection, persistence and exception handling, are crucial in making
our system more tolerant to run-time faults.
The choice of Java, however, comes with a certain risk-factor that
arises from known performance problems of this programming language
and its run-time environment. Notably, performance and robustness are
issues of critical importance for a distributed system like PeerWare,
which is expected to run on several machines and to sustain
high-loads at short periods of time. In our experiments, we found the
performance of Java SDK 1.3 satisfactory.
In order to compare our intelligent search mechanism with the other Query-routing
algorithms described in section 2, we have built a decentralized newspaper
The newspaper is organized as a network of dataPeers; each dataPeer
maintains a set of articles related to a particular country.
In that way each dataPeer shares some specialized knowledge
(i.e. documents related to the country).
dataPeers are connected among them using a pre-specified random topology.
We then use a searchPeer to connect to a single point in the network and
perform a number of queries.
Our experiments were deployed with 104 dataPeers running on a network of 20-50
workstations, each of which has an AMD Athlon4 1.4 GHz processor with 1GB RAM running
Mandrake Linux 8.0 (kernel 2.4.3-20) all interconnected with a 10/100 LAN connection.
Our evaluation metrics were: (i) the recall rate, that is,
the fraction of documents our search mechanism retrieves compared to
the other mechanisms, and (ii) the efficiency of the technique,
that is, the ratio of number of messages used to find the results.
Reducing Query Messages
Our prior analysis on the Gnutella Network Traffic (figure 6.1)
revealed that 37% of the network messages where spent on query/queryhits pairs.
The ultimate goal of a P2P network is the resource discovery part.
Figure 6.1:
Analysis of Gnutella Network Traffic: Message breakdown by Message Type.
We can see from the pie-chart that the Ping/Pong messages, which are
used for the host discovery part, occupy a significant share of the total network traffic.
This is attributed to weak network connections in the Gnutella Network.
In this work we don't consider host discovery related issues.
Our goal is to decrease the number of Query/QueryHit messages while being
able to discover the same resources.
In our first experiment we performed 10 queries, each of which was run 10
consecutive times over a PeerWare of 104 nodes where each host has a degree of 8.
We allow a 5 second interval between
each query in order to avoid congesting the network.
The queries are keywords randomly sampled from the dataset.
In this set of experiments we measured the number of messages used and the percentage
of documents found in the case where the query messages has TTL=4.
Figure 6.2 shows the number of messages required
by the 4 query routing techniques.
The figure indicates that Breadth-First-Search (BFS) requires almost 2,5 times
as many messages as its competitors with around 1050 messages per query.
BFS's recall rate is used as the basis for comparing the recall rate
of the other techniques and is therefore set to 100%.
Random Breadth-First-Search (RBFS), the Intelligent Search Mechanism (ISM) and
the Most Results in the Past (
RES) on the other hand use all significantly
less messages but ISM is the one that finds the most documents.
That is attributed to the fact that ISM improves its knowledge over time.
More specifically ISM achieves almost 90% recall rate while using only 38%
of the BFS's messages.
From figure 6.3 we can see that both
RES and ISM start out
with a low recall rate (i.e. 40-50%) because they are initially both choosing their neighbors
at random. Therefore their recall rate performance is comparable to that of RBFS.
In both figures 6.2 and 6.3,
the values shown are the averages of 10 consecutive requests.
The above experiments justify our hypothesis that a large number of peers receive
unnecessary messages.
Figure 6.2:
Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for 10x10
queries (TTL=4)
Figure 6.3:
Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
10x10 queries (TTL=4)
Digging Deeper by Increasing the TTL
In the second experiment we investigated what is the
effect of increasing the TTL parameter to our results.
Figure 6.5 shows that by increasing the value of the
time_to_live field of the search requests (TTL = 5)
the Intelligent search mechanism
discovers almost the same documents with what BFS finds for TTL = 4.
More specifically, our experimental results show that our mechanism achieves
99% recall rate (figure 6.5) while using only
54% (figure 6.4) of the number of messages used in BFS.
Again, the recall rate increases as the number of queries increases over time.
Another important observation is that the results for both RBFS and ISM are consistent
with our analysis, and show that it is possible to search the majority
of the P2P network with significantly fewer messages than the brute force algorithm.
Figure 6.4:
Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for 10x10
queries (TTL=5)
Figure 6.5:
Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
10x10 queries (TTL=5)
The Discarded Message Problem
We define the Discarded Message Problem (DMP) (see figure 6.6)
in the following way:
A node
receives some query
with some
at some time
first checks if it has forwarded the same query (identified by GUID) in the past.
If yes it will immediately discard the message in order to avoid forwarding the message
several times. If not, it will decrease
-1 and forward
to some of
's peers.
Figure 6.6:
The Discarded Message Problem.
Now what happens if node
with some
, where
at some
, where
. Most of the commercial P2P clients will again discard
The result of the DMP problem is that a query reaches less nodes that estimated.
We fix the DMP problem by allowing the
message to proceed, since this may allow
reach more peers that its predecessor
. Of course there is some redundancy which will
add up in the "number of messages" graph. Unfortunately without this fix the BFS behavior
is not predictable and therefore is not able to find the nodes that we were supposed to find.
Our experiments revealed that almost 30% of the forwarded queries
were discarded because of DMP.
The experimental results presented in
sections 6.1 and 6.2 are not suffering
. This is the reason why the number of messages is slightly higher (
than the expected number of messages.
For example in the BFS case our analysis (section 4.1)
shows that the total number of messages should be
each of which with a degree
. For n=104 nodes and each of degree
we would expect
msgs=104*(8-1)=728 messages. By re-running the experiments without fixing DMP we get
averagely 763 messages per query which is close to the estimated amount.
Reducing the Query Response Time
Figure 6.7:
Time used as a fraction of the time used
in BFS for the 4 Algorithms in the 10x10 experiment (TTL=4).
Figure 6.8:
Time used as a fraction of the time used
in BFS for the 4 Algorithms in the 10x10 experiment (TTL=5).
Since a query may get an arbitrary large number of query results we define
the Query Response Time (QRT) as the interval which elapses between
which is the time a node
sends out a query, until
which is the time that
receives the last result from the network. This result is again taken from the
experiment where we perform 10 queries 10 consecutive times.
Figure 6.7 shows the Query Response Time (QRT), as a percentage of the BFS algorithm,
for the three algorithms ISM,
RES and RBFS. BFS's QRT is in the order of 6 seconds
while the others use only
30-60% for TTL=4 and
60-80% for TTL=5
of that time.
This happens because BFS uses more messages which are consequently congesting the network
and therefore increasing the average QRT.
The reason why ISM requires slightly more time than
RES and RBFS is that ISM decision
involves more manipulation over the past queries.
Improving the Recall Rate over Time
In the previous experiments we used 10 queries which are performed 10
consecutive times. This scenario suits well the ISM algorithm since the
queries are correlated. In this experiment we use 400 queries which
are randomly sampled from the dataset. The sampling is biased since we
choose to pick approximately 4 queries per country (which consequently
also means per dataPeer), for 104 dataPeers.
With this assumption we make sure that the queries will refer to all
the dataPeers rather than only a subset of them.
Each query
consists of 4 keywords
and a dataPeer
answers to
by evaluating the union
Figure 6.9:
Messages used by the 4 Algorithms for
400 queries (TTL=4)
Figure 6.10:
Recall Rate by the 4 Algorithms for
400 queries (TTL=4)
On figure 6.9 we can see that during queries 150-200 two major
outbreaks occur in BFS. This is basically an indication that some
connections (i.e. sockets) broke down and that some query messages
were not able to go through. This network instability is incurred by
the overwhelming amount of messages propagated by the BFS algorithm.
This might also has to do something with the 63% of Ping/Pong
messages (figure 6.1) which are found in the Gnutella Network where weak network connections
are translated into an endless effort of peers to discover new hosts.
In this set of experimental results we can see that our ISM mechanism improves
its recall rate (figure 6.10) over time approaching nearly
95% recall rate while using again
of BFS's messages.
The reason for this is that, as the nodes accumulate more knowledge
about their peers, peers that provided answers in the past are
still queried in subsequent queries. As more peers become
likely to be queried, they themselves continue to explore the
network by propagating the requests to their peers.
Conclusions & Future Work
Peer-to-Peer systems are application layer networks which enable networked hosts to share resources in a distributed manner.
Such systems offer several advantages in
simplicity of use, robustness and scalability.
In this thesis we address the problem of efficient Information Retrieval
in such systems. We analyze a number of different techniques and then present
the Intelligent Search Mechanism.
The Intelligent Search mechanism (ISM) uses the knowledge that each peer collects about its peers to improve the efficiency of the search.
The scheme is fully distributed and scales well with the size of
the network. ISM consists of four components:
A Profile Mechanism which logs query-hits coming from neighbors,
a Cosine Similarity function which calculates the closeness of some
past query to a new query, RelevanceRank which is an online ranking mechanism that ranks
the neighbors of some node according to their potentiality of answering the new query
and a Search Mechanism which forwards a query to the selected neighbors.
We deploy and compare ISM with a number of other distributed search techniques.
Our experiments were performed with real data over PeerWare,
our middleware simulation infrastructure which is deployed on 50 workstations.
Our results indicate that ISM is an attractive technique for keyword searching
in Peer-to-Peer systems since it achieves in some cases 100% recall rate by
using only 54% of the messages used in the flooding algorithm.
The results further show that ISM improves over time because nodes learn more information about their neighbors as time elapses. ISM achieves therefore
a better recall rate than its competitors, although its initial
performance is similar to them.
Lastly we have shown that ISM requires approximately the same
Query Response Time (QRT) with its two main competitors RBFS and
RES and far less QRT than BFS.
For future work we plan to probe our algorithms over new network
topologies such as powerlaw and tree.
Stemming and Stop Word Lists are another improvement that can be incorporated
in our algorithm. In that way we will be able to route queries to the appropriate
hosts even if the past queries contain different query terms which have the same
semantics. We believe that the Peerware simulation infrastructure is an invaluable
tool in evaluating the applicability and performance of different routing techniques.
We further plan to introduce different degrees of data sources
replication and see how do these affect the performance of our search techniques.
We are also interested in deploying PeerWare over a Wide Area Network including
hosts which are geographically distributed.
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- ... parameter*
- In our experiments we used a fraction of 0.5 (a peer propagates the request
to half its peers, selected at random).
- ... key*
Freenet uses a 160-bit SHA-1 [1] hash function
- ... key*
- The reason why they use such an approach is that
newly inserted files are placed on nodes already possessing files with similar keys, which therefore yields a topology where nodes with similar keys are clustered together.
- ...Nodes*
- The hashing is based on the IP of the node
- ...
- The hashing is based on the object itself and the result is
refereed as key
- ... network*
- In the event of the
node join only O(1/N) keys/data are moved around
- ...
- In our experiments we additionally select 1 random peer.