Multi-Version Archiving System

General Description:

Design a versioning system, which keeps track of web page data life cycles using a starting and ending version. This program will use LibXml2 and BerkelyDB to read an XML file and calculate data life span between a given starting version and an ending version. Please see: Structural Joins.ppt, Project Description.pdf, BerkeleyDB.doc and LibXml2.doc for more information.

Project Details:

 UC Riverside - Dept of Computer Science & Engineering
 C++, LibXml2: Front-end, BerkeleyDB: Back-end
Project Start Date:
 September 2004
Project End Date:
 December 2004
Project Version:
Testing Start Date:
 September 2004
Testing End Date:
 December 2004
 This project was developed under the supervision of
   Vassilis Tsotras (


Project Documents:

Below are the few pages from the entire 200 page catalog that was developed with this project.



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