(This page maintained by Yihua He)
[Introduction] The lack of an accurate representation of the Internet topology at the Autonomous System (AS) level is a limiting factor in the design, simulation, and modeling efforts in inter-domain routing protocols. Here, we try to identify AS (Autonomous System) links that are missing from the commonly-used Internet topology snapshots. To provide a large-scale comprehensive synthesis, we cross-validate BGP routing tables, IRR (Internet Routing Registry) and traceroute data, while extract significant new information from IXPs (Internet Exchange Points). In fact most of the missing peer-to-peer AS links are found to be IXP links. We also construct a directed map of AS topology and quantify the effects from the new-found AS edges. |
[Publications and Presentations]
AS topology with AS relationships as of May 2005.
[Q&A of the Moment]
Quite a few people sent us their questions, and here is a complete list of the most frequent ones and our answers. We continue to update it when we receive questions. If you have a question and can not find the answer there, feel free to drop an email (yhe AT cs.ucr.edu). |
[Personal & Lab]
[Comments] Please send your comments to yhe AT cs.ucr.edu. We will try to incorporate your question and our answer into the FAQ. |