
Engineering Building II, RM367
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521 USA
yhe AT cs.ucr.edu
I got my Ph.D. in
in the area of computer networks.
My advisors were
Prof. Michalis Faloutsos and
Prof. Srikanth Krishnamurthy. |
[Recent News]
Michalis, Srikanth,
Marek and I recently developped HBR (in submission),
a hierarchy-based global network reduction method, to evaluate inter-domain routing protocols
more representatively and more efficiently.
The Lord of the Links
has appeared in USENIX NSDI 2007.
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(HP Labs)
and I have developed
NATALIE, a network-aware traffic equalizer that routes a single TCP connection over multiple, heterogeneous communication links based on their available bandwidth. The paper will appear in IEEE ICC 2007.
- Internet routing, addressing, topology, measurement and
- Graph mining, generating and sampling.