Xiaoyue Elaine Wang
Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California Riverside
Engineering BU2, Room 368
Riverside, CA 92521-0144

Email: xwang AT cs DOT ucr DOT edu

[Research | Education | Resume | Professional Activities | Publications]

Research (Top)

I am a 4th year Ph.D. Student in CSE Department of UCR. I have been a research assistant in UCR Data Mining Group since the summer of 2007. My advisor is Dr. Eamonn Keogh.

I am broadly interested in research problems in the area of Data Mining and Information Retrieval. One of my research focus is on designing algorithms for indexing various time-series data. Applications include building classifiers on in-memory sensor data, cultural artifacts such as petroglyphs of shapes. I have also worked on several projects on mining historical manuscripts, where I designed image retrieval algorithms to index image archives such as historical images of data.

My current research is being funded by the UCR Computational Anthropology Project (NSF 0803410).

Resume (Top)


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Selected Publications (Top)

Journal Paper

Conference Paper

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