CS161 - Design and Architecture of Computer Systems (Fall 2004)

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Materials for the discussion sessions:

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Date Links
10/04/2004 [A simple for loop for SPIM] [Code for exercise 2.30]


Text book: D. A. Patterson and J. L. Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 3rd Edition.  Morgan Kaufmann, 2005.   ISBN:1-55860-604-1.

Errata for the text book:

Page No.

Error and correction

P. 77

Figure 2.12, second slt should be slti

P. 84

At label L1, there should be space after addi, and after jal

P. 85

mul probably should be mult

P. 101

Addressing mode 3 and 4 should both add from Address

P. 111 paragraph 1 is a duplication
P. 115 paragraph 6, "betters ways"
P. 182 Figure 3.9, "Product0" should be from "Mplier0*Mcand" directly, then "Product1" from the 1st ALU, "Product2" from the 2nd ALU ... ; the left input of the last ALU should be "Mplier31*Mcan".


Last Update: 10/06/2004