WeeSan Lee
o Designed and implemented an efficient multi-threaded middleware in C++.
o Researched IP Networks, specializing in multicast protocol on
distributed systems, inter-domain routing, and web cache technology.
o Researched Paper/Pen-based Computing, specializing in symbol recognition
and machine learning.
o Awarded Campus Prize for 2005 UC San Diego Data Mining Contest.
o Created a socket library and Sketch Plugin Architecture.
o Lectured two CS classes: Linux/Unix System Administration and
Effective use of the WWW.
o Taught and conducted labs for various classes with very good reviews for
12 to 60 students.
o Presented tutorials at IETF and NANOG.
o Fluent in English and Mandarin. Bilingual, Bicultural.
o Seeking a challenging software engineer/teaching/research position in
IP network, Pen-based computing, machine learning or data mining.
Proficient in C++, Network/Socket Programming, Linux System Administration,
Multicast Protocols and Firewalls.
Ph.D., Computer Science, 9/04 - 03/09
University of California, Riverside, CA. GPA 3.8
Master of Science, Computer Science, 5/96
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. GPA 3.7
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Information Engineering, 5/92
Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, R.O.C. GPA 3.6
Lecturer, University of California, Riverside, Summer 07, Fall 07
Taught and designed labs for Unix System Administration & Effective Use of the WWW
Teaching Assistant, University of California, Riverside, Winter 06, Fall 05, Fall 04
o Taught and conducted labs for Compiler Design, Operating Systems and
Introduction to Computing class for 12-32 students
o Designed, wrote up and graded lab exercises
o Led paper discussions and helped students with their labs and class materials
Lecturer, Fu-Jen University, Taiwan, Spring 94
Taught Database Design with Clipper to a class of 10 students
Teaching Assistant & System Manager, Computer Center, Fu-Jen University, Taiwan, 8/92-7/93
Conducted labs for a class of 60 students and managed 2 VAX/VMS machines
Sr. Software Sys Dev Engineer, Yahoo! Inc., 8/2014 - current
o Designing and implementing an efficient multi-threaded middleware in C++.
o Researching various issues and developing effective solutions.
o Driving various features from ideas to implementation in timely manner.
Software Engineer 4, Juniper Networks, Inc., 1/2009 - 5/2014
o Designed and implemented multicast and IP routing protocols on JUNOS.
o Carried out technical research in the initial phase of various projects.
o Communicated technology both internally and externally for
cross-functional features.
Research Assistant, University of California, Riverside, 1/05 - 1/09
o Researched Pen-based Computing, specializing in symbol recognition on low
power devices
o Published papers in the area of symbol recognition and sketch parsing
Unix System Administrator, University of California, Riverside, 4/06 - 6/06
Participated in better system/network design and troubleshooting network problems
Software Engineer IV, Cisco System, Inc., 10/00 - 5/04
o Designed and implemented multicast protocols on CRS-1, a distributed,
carrier routing system
o Coordinated with other component owners to achieve maximum system performance
o Teleconferenced with team members weekly, helping steer the project in the
right direction
o Reviewed code from colleagues and gave constructive feedback
Director of Network and Database Department, Media Fair Inc., 2/00 -- 10/00
o Supervised staff of 4 and managed an Oracle database project
o Interviewed, recruited and trained new employees
Senior Software Engineer, Media Fair Inc., 6/99 -- 2/00
o Designed and implemented an efficient web-based email system and a scalable
fax gateway
o Hired as first employee
Programmer Analyst III, USC/Information Science Institute, 6/96 -- 6/99
o Maintained and released RAToolSet, a tool to retrieve, update and generate
router configuration from IRR, Internet Routing Registry
o Researched ways to continuously provide stable and unbiased global routing
to the Internet
Research Assistant, USC Computer Science Department, Spring '96
Implemented multicast Internet Cache Protocol and benchmarked Harvest Cache.
PIM Proxy Project, Computer Networks & Distributed Systems, Fall '95
Designed and implemented an application proxy for Protocol Independent Multicast.
Unix Administration Project, Internetwork & Distributed System Lab, Fall '95
o Managed SunOS systems, installed/upgraded kernel
o Installed and configured NIS, DNS, IP routing, PPP, WWW, TCPdump, S/KEY and
TIS firewall toolkits.
Compiler Project, Compiler Design, Spring '95
Designed and implemented a Module-2 like compiler from lexical analyzer to
code generator in C
Software Engineering Project, Software Engineering, Fall '94
Designed a Fire Dispatching System from software requirement, specification,
project planning, cost estimation, prototyping and simulation
o Awarded Campus Prize for 2005 UC San Diego Data Mining Contest
o Patented "System and method for preserving multcast data
forwarding during control failures in a router".
o Patented "Reducing unnecessary upstream traffic in PIM-bidirectional mode".
o Awarded Top 10 Software Designs in Taiwan
o Scholarship recipient of Lee Foundation, United World Chinese Commercial
Bank, NCR Taiwan Ltd, and Computer Science Department of Fu-Jen University
o President of High School Alumni Association and cadre of Malaysia
Schoolmates Committee
Strong problem-solving skills, fast learning, adaptability and perseverance.
Available upon request.