CS 6: Effective Use of World Wide Web

Fall 2007

Instructor TA
WeeSan Lee <weesan@cs.ucr.edu>
Office Hours: TR 11-12pm @ Engr2, Rm 110 or by appointment


A detailed, non-technical introduction to the Internet, covering Web tools, e-communities, e-commerce, power searching, and verification of information, privacy, and other legal and societal issues.



Lectures Labs
TR 9:40-11am, Engr2, Rm 143 W 8:10-11am, 11:10-2pm, 6:10-9pm, Engr2, Rm 127


Internet Effectively: A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web by Tyrone Adams and Sharon Scollard. ISBN: 0321304292

Reference (optional)
Web 101 (3rd Edition) by Wendy G. Lehnert and Richard L. Kopec. ISBN: 0321424670


Subscribe to the course website at: https://moodle.cs.ucr.edu/

The news forum will be used for posting of official course news, such as assignment deadlines, and for discussion of material related to the course. The material for each week is noted in the weekly outline of Moodle.


Assignment Type Total Percentage of Grade
Homework 10
Labs 20
Quiz 1 10
Quiz 2 10
Final 20
Final Project 30

Homework will be given at the end of each Thursday's lecture, except for Thanksgiving week, on which the homework will be given on Tuesday's lecture. There will be no homework for the last week.

All homework will be due the following Monday @ 23:55pm, except for the first homework, which will be due the following Wednesday @ 23:55pm.

Each lab will primarily focus on building up your web page design skills. All lab assignments will be due in lab. Ask your TA to check you off before leaving the lab.

Quizzes and Final:
Quizzes and final will be in the format of multiple choices and/or short answers.

Final Project:
In groups of 5, you are required to research a relatively new Internet technology, write a report describing its main application, strengths, weaknesses and your new ideas on how to improve it. You will also need to give a business presentation to a venture capitalist, and aggressively pursue the VC to fund your new ideas for a start-up.

The in-class presentation (10%) should be 10-15 minutes in length, using about 8-10 Powerpoint slides. You are required to submit your journal log (5%) and an 1-page proposal (5%) during the quarter. Your final report will be 10% of your total grade. Another 5% of the grade will be for the peer-review, where your teammates grade your participation.


Cheating will result an 'F' in the class, and possibly further disciplinary action as determined by the campus student judicial authority. To avoid plagiarism, see here.