// beginning of preamble ================================
#include<string> // Write out the preamble
#define lv(T,P,D) *((T*)(P+D))
#define COUT(x) cout << (x) <<endl;
#define ALLOC(C) new word[C];
using namespace std;
typedef char word;
word* TP; // the This Pointer
word* BP = ALLOC(8000); // the Base Pointer of stack
word* SP = BP+8000; // the Stack Pointer (top)
word* junkreg_wordptr; // a useful thing to have
void* junkreg_voidptr; // a useful thing to have
int junkreg_int; // a useful thing to have
int* junkreg_intptr; // a useful thing to have
// end of preamble and beginning of main declarations ====
word* T1_SimpleMethodCall; // From MainClass::install
// for starting addr of class
// SimpleMethodCall
// Not really being used!
word* T2_A; // From ClassDecl::install
// for starting addr of class A
word* T3_SimpleMethodCall; // From NewIdExp::analyze
// for class A which is word*
int T4_SimpleMethodCall; // From MethodExp::analyze
// for return value
int T5_SimpleMethodCall; // From ConstExp::analyze
// for arg 123
word* T6_SimpleMethodCall; // From MethodExp::analyze
// for saveTP
void* T7_echo_A; // From MethodDecl::analyze
// for return addr
int i_echo_A; // From Formal::analyze
// for arg i
int echo_A_arg_1; // From MethodDecl::gen
// for passing arg i
int echo_A_result_; // From MethodDecl::gen
// for return result
// end of declarations and beginning of midamble ========
int main() {
// Begin init
T2_A = ALLOC(4); // From ClassDecl::gen
junkreg_voidptr =&& echo_A; // T2_A[0] = A::echo
lv(void*,T2_A,0) = junkreg_voidptr; //
// End init
// Begin code
// Begin MainClass::gen
TP = ALLOC(20); // From MainClass::gen
// allocate space to store all
// registers before using them
T5_SimpleMethodCall = 123; // int const
echo_A_arg_1 = T5_SimpleMethodCall; // From MethodExp::gen
// to pass param to A::echo
T3_SimpleMethodCall = ALLOC(4); // From NewIdExp::gen
lv(word*,T3_SimpleMethodCall,0) = T2_A; // for storing starting addr of
// class A
lv(word*,TP,0) = T1_SimpleMethodCall; //store
lv(word*,TP,4) = T3_SimpleMethodCall; //store
lv(int,TP,8) = T4_SimpleMethodCall; //store
lv(int,TP,12) = T5_SimpleMethodCall; //store
lv(word*,TP,16) = T6_SimpleMethodCall; //store
T6_SimpleMethodCall = TP; //saveTP - save old TP
TP = T3_SimpleMethodCall; //set TP - set to class A, T2_A
T7_echo_A =&& L0; // Setup return address, L0
junkreg_wordptr = lv(word*,TP,0); // T2_A[0], the addr of A::echo
junkreg_voidptr = lv(void*,junkreg_wordptr,0);//calling echo.
goto* junkreg_voidptr;
TP = T6_SimpleMethodCall; //restoreTP
T1_SimpleMethodCall = lv(word*,TP,0); //fetch
T3_SimpleMethodCall = lv(word*,TP,4); //fetch
T4_SimpleMethodCall = lv(int,TP,8); //fetch
T5_SimpleMethodCall = lv(int,TP,12); //fetch
T6_SimpleMethodCall = lv(word*,TP,16); //fetch
T4_SimpleMethodCall = echo_A_result_;
goto EXIT; // From MainClass::gen
// End MainClass::gen
// Begin ClassDecl::gen
// From VarDecl::gen
// nothing because no variable
echo_A:; // From MethodDecl::gen
SP = SP - 8; // allocate act. rec. for echo_A
lv(int,SP,4) = i_echo_A; // Push arg i
lv(void*,SP,0) = T7_echo_A; // Push return addr of A::echo
T2_A = lv(word*,TP,0); //fetch
i_echo_A = echo_A_arg_1; // Copy arg-reg to parm.
echo_A_result_ = i_echo_A; // return (i);
i_echo_A = lv(int,SP,4); //fetch
T7_echo_A = lv(void*,SP,0); //fetch
lv(word*,TP,0) = T2_A; //store
SP =SP + 8; // deallocate echo_A.
goto* T7_echo_A; // returning from echo_A;
// End ClassDecl::gen
// End code
// end of main code and beginning of postamble ===========
EXIT:; // to stop
} // end of main // end of postamble