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Existing Tools
- Bulk Tests - A tool that compares the output of an executable
with a provided sample output file. Rather than directly compare
the two, it splits on lines of ``
''s and treats each as a
separate test. Uses the advanced interface to output a number of
points equal to the percentage passed times the ``maxpoints''
- Copy File - A tool that always returns success. It is used to
ensure that a given file exists in each students submission
- C Driver Tests - Replaces the ``main'' function in a
submission with the contents of a given file. Compiles and runs the
result. Otherwise behaves the same as Diff Test.
- Diff Test - Run an executable with given input and check to see
if the output matches a given output file. Options include a
timeout and optional flags to the diff utility to allow more
imprecise matches.
- Detect Windows Code - Check the given file for DOS/Windows
style newlines.
- Edit Distance Test - Similar to the Diff Test, but utilizes
Python's difflib library to check the edit distance between the
output of the executable and the sample output.
- Exit Code - Returns 0 if the given executable returns 0, 1
- Failure - Always return failure. Useful for setting up a
single top-level rubric item that contains many sub-tests. Most
commonly this is used for a ``Penalties'' top-level, which contains
a Late Test, Detect Windows Code, Detect Line Wraps, etc.
- Correct Filename - Check that the filename provided matches the
file invoked on. Earlier attempts at CAA had less-robust submission
identification systems and so students were requested to submit
their code with a given filename. This is less important now This
test is also one of the few that should generally use the ``Penalize
after all fail'' option.
- Post Hand Grading - Assumes the file it is invoked on is a list
of point scores, one line per problem. Uses the advanced interface
to output the number of points specified on a given line.
- Invoke Make - Invoke ``make'' in the submission directory and
return the results of that operation.
- Late Test - Check the full path of the given file for a given
token, or LATE if none is specified.
- Early/Late Points - Grant a specific number of points for
submissions turned in 1, 2, or 3 days before a given deadline, and
1, 2, or 3 days after. Uses the advanced interface.
- Detect Line Wraps - Detects lines of code that are greater than
80 characters long, when tabs are expanded. The size of the tab
stops and the max line length may be specified
- Success - Returns success. Used primarily for things that are
graded by hand to give students all points by default and then
reduce the score with comments.
- Post OCR - Before the Marksense system was split out from Agar,
this was used to grade a file of student response against a given
answer key, one answer per invocation. Not generally used now.
- Regexp Code - Check the given file for matches of the given
regular expression.
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Titus Winters