Practice Contest
Problem List
- Master-Mind Hints
- What Base Is This?
- Let Me Count The
- Cops And
- Robot
- The New Villa
Use the standard CS Department
Turnin. Select course CS302, and the appropriate submission
directory. I will check them as quickly as possible and tell you one
of the following:
- Correct - Good job, you get the point for this.
- Time limit exceeded - You only get 1 minute for your program to
- Runtime error - Your program segfaults, has a bus error, an
uncaught exception, or some other critical error on my tests
- Wrong answer - doesn't look like you are calculating the right
- Bad formatting - looks like the right answer but isn't formatted
You will NOT get any more detailed information than this back.
The team with the most correct problems solved wins. In the (likely)
event of a tie, time-elapsed is used as a tie-breaker as follows:
- For each problem correctly submitted, the time since the START of
the contest is counted AGAINST the team. Solving the easiest problem
first is therefore important
- For each problem correctly submitted, a 10 minute penalty is
applied for each INCORRECT submission of that problem. Thus it never
hurts to submit something you think is correct (it won't harm your
current standings if you got it wrong), but you do need to minimize
the number of incorrect submissions.
If you have questions about the problems or the rules, email them to and I'll post
the responses here.
- Do we have to do the problems in order?
No, you can do them in any order.
- How do I read the input?
All input and output is through cin/cout.
- Will invalid input be provided or can we assume all input will
match the spec?
All input will conform to the spec provided.
- Do we need a makefile?
Current Standings
Here is a list of the current team standings. I'll try to keep this
up-to-date, but I will focus on getting submissions graded first.
Team Name | Solved | Time (w/ penalties) |
P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | P5 |
P6 |
Frosh | 3 | 291 |
X (1 attempt) | X (1 attempt) | X (1 attempt) |
| | |
Bubblegum & Duct tape | 3 | 511 |
X (1 attempt) | X (1 attempt) | X (2 attempts) |
| | |
UCR 1 | 3 | 562 |
X (1 attempt) | X (1 attempt) | X (2 attempts) |
| | |
Partial Fraction | 2 | 451 |
X (1 attempt) | 1 attempt | |
X (2 attempts) | | |