
(Try not to use 'em, you won't get 'em during the contest.)

The set of permutations of a sequence of integers is the set of all possible sequences made of the same integers shuffled. If the integers are distinct, then there are n! (n factorial) elements in the set of permutations.

We can order these permutations in a simple fashion: For two sequences s1 and s2 if the nth element of s1 and s1 is the first that differs, then s1 is < s2 if and only if s1[n] < s2[n] (essentially lexicographic ordering).

Write a program that reads in an integer k, followed by a series of no more than 10 integers (read until EOF) and prints out the kth permutation in of that series, with a single space between each pair of integers, and a newline at the end. If k is greater than the size of the set of permutations, print out "Not enough permutations."

Test Files permute-1.out permute-2.out permute-3.out