/* main.c */

/* Read from a keypad and display the key pressed */
/* on an 7-segment display */

#pragma SMALL DB OE
#include <reg51.h>

unsigned char SetDisplay(unsigned char value){
    unsigned char LookupTable[17] = { 0xC0, ... };	

    /* use code from previous lab */
    /* fill in entries to table to handle A, B, C, D, E, F */

/* Routine to scan the key pressed */
unsigned char key_scan()
       unsigned char i, j, temp1, temp2;

        while( 1 ) /* keep waiting for a key to be pressed */

                for(i=0; i<4; i++) {

                        /* Set each row to 0 */
                        P1 = 0xff & ~(1<<i); 

                        /* Scan each column to see which key was pressed */
                        for (j=4; j<8; j++) {

                              /* Code to determine the position of the
                                 key which was pressed */
                              /* return(position) */

void main()
   /* You can have a conversion table to convert the key position into a
      valid number or letter.  The "*" and "#" symbols result in
      errors and map into postion 17 of the LookupTable */

   unsigned char conv_table[] = { 
      1,  2,  3,  10,
      4,  5,  6,  11,
      7,  8,  9,  12,
     17,  0, 17,  13

   char num;

   while(1) {   
      /*read input from user */
      /* display corresponding number */
