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I have always enjoyed teaching ever since I had to supporting myself as a teaching assistant during my PhD study. Currently I am part time teaching professor in UC Riverside where I am teaching the classes that I should know best – Databases, Data structures and Algorithms. In the future I am planning to design an advanced class on spatial data structures and algorithms in GIS since this was the topic of my dissertation and my current work in esri. Here it is a list of classes that I taught as an instructor.

UC Riverside

  • CS 166 Database Management Systems (Summer 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Summer 2021)
  • CS 179G Project in Computer Science - Database Systems (Fall 2020)
As a teaching assistant I have taught labs associated with the following courses:

UC Riverside

  • CS 166 Database Management Systems (2004, 2005, 2006)
  • CS 179g Project in Database Management Systems (2005)
  • CS 120b Introduction to Embedded Systems (2003)
  • CS 005 Introduction to Computer Programming (2004)

Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria)

  • BCS47 Computer networks (2001)
  • BCS54.1 Industrial computer networks (2001, 2002)
  • PCT09 Object Oriented Programming (2003)