CS 161 Labs, Winter 2004

TA: Lingling Jin (ljin@cs.ucr.edu)
Office Hours: To be decided
Location: TA office

Lab Assignment 1 (Week 1)

Lab 1.1 , 1 bit and 4 bit adder
Code is provided for a 1-bit adder and a corresponding testbench. Steps are given to show students how to simulate the design. Code is provided for a 4-bit adder built using the 1-bit adder previously used. A corresponding testbench is also included. Students simulate the 4-bit adder design and check to see if the functionality is correct. Covers basic VHDL, behavioral descriptions, structural descriptions, combinational logic.

Lab 1.2, 2-bit counter
Source Files:
counter.vhd counter_tb.vhd
The purpose of this lab is to write a VHDL description of 2-bit counter as a finite state machine (FSM). The 2-bit counter has several inputs such as clk, rst, enable, load, ... and should be able to reset, accept an input, count-up or count-down, etc...

Useful Information

Active HDL Tutorial
VHDL Tutorial and Samples
VHDL References