Tools and scripts
Here are some simple tools and scripts I wrote; many of them are single
scripts for next-generation sequencing.
GTF2BED: converting Cufflinks GTF files to BED predictions
(This tool is originally posted at blogspot: link)
Cufflinks writes its predictions as .GTF files. However, this file type
is sometimes too large to process. For example, it may be too large to
upload to UCSC gene browser (even you compress it). IGV
browser also takes more memory resources to process .GTF file than
processing BED file. So I wrote a small script (in Python 3) to convert
GTF formatted files to BED files. This helps to reduce the file size
dramatically. For example, this script converts a 120M GTF file to only
9M BED file, reducing the size by more than 90%!
Of course there are general tools to convert .GTF to .BED. For example,
is one Perl script to do this. However, my script is written
specifically for Cufflinks .GTF files: it recognizes "gene_id",
"transcript_id" and "FPKM" key word in attribute lists. "transcript_id"
is converted as the name field in .BED file, and "FPKM" value is
rounded as "score" field in .BED file.
Here is one example of .GTF file predicted by Cufflinks:
Cufflinks transcript
934797 935655 324
- .
gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.3";
FPKM "23.5107601622"; frac "0.216036"; conf_lo "20.031437"; conf_hi
"26.990083"; cov "84.378021"; full_read_support "yes";
Cufflinks exon
934797 934812 324
- .
gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.3"; exon_number
"1"; FPKM "23.5107601622"; frac "0.216036"; conf_lo "20.031437";
conf_hi "26.990083"; cov "84.378021";
Cufflinks exon
934906 935655 324
- .
gene_id "CUFF.29"; transcript_id "CUFF.29.3"; exon_number
"2"; FPKM "23.5107601622"; frac "0.216036"; conf_lo "20.031437";
conf_hi "26.990083"; cov "84.378021";
The converted .BED file includes only one line as follows:
934796 935655 CUFF.29.3
- 934796 935655
0,0,255 2 16,750
The record in .BED file doesnot contain information like "frac",
"conf_low", "conf_hi", "cov". But it uses only one line instead of 4
lines. Notice that the transcript_id is kept and the FPKM value (23.5)
is rounded to 24 in score field of .BED file.
Feel free to comment or ask questions.
GETINSERTSIZE: Extract insert size information of paired-end reads from Cufflinks output
(originally published in blogspot: link)
The new version of Cufflinks tries
to estimate the mean and std value of paired-end read insert size
automatically. Sometimes we need to extract such information to check
our sequencing data. Here I wrote a simple script to search Cufflinks
The script is written in Python. The implementation is easy: search for key words (like "Estimated Mean", etc) in log files.
Usage: getinsertsize [cufflinks log file]
Note: you may specify different log files using filename wildcards.
Sample output:
File MapMass ReadLength Mean Std 34108402.45 85 150.35 19.18 31007287.59 85 155.19 17.45 37286038.02 85 123.87 25.60
Source code:
Estimating paired-end read insert length from SAM/BAM files
(originally published in blogspot: link)
I wrote a single Python script to estimate the paired-end read insert length (or fragment length) from read mapping information (i.e., SAM/BAM files). The algorithm is simple: check the PNEXT field in the SAM format, throw out pair-end reads whose pairs are too far away, and use them to estimate the mean and variance of the insert length.
This script is distributed in GitHub below.
Usage: [ SAM file ]
samtools view [ BAM file ] |
Sample output:
Read length: mean 90.6697303194, STD=15.9446036414
Possible read length and their counts:
{108: 43070882, 76: 50882326}
Read span: mean 165.217445903, STD=32.8914834802
Note: If the SAM/BAM file size is too large, it is accurate enough to estimate based on a few reads (like 1 millioin). In this case, you can run the script as follows:
head -n 1000000 [ SAM file ] |
samtools view [ BAM file ] | head -n 1000000 |
by Wei Li