Spring 2010 CS008 Web Page

TA: Wei Li  (liw AT cs dot ucr dot edu)

CS008 030 Thursday 8:10am-11:00am EBUII 132

CS008 031 Thursday 11:10am-2:00pm EBUII 132

Office hour: Wednesday 3:00pm-4:00pm EBUII 110

Q & As

0. Something you need to know before doing the lab assignments:

0.1 Dont' be late for more than 20 minutes.

0.2 Make sure to show your results to me before leaving.

1. How to get a CS account?

Go to  http://csedept.cs.ucr.edu/account/new_account/, and follow the instructions. You need to visit it within the CS network.

2. Didn't remember the username and password?

Go to the link above and do it again.

3. How to access Windows from CS' s linux machine?

On the desktop of the linux machine: click Applications--> Accessories --> Terminal, type "windows" using keyboard, hit Enter, and log in with your CS account and password.

4. How to check my grades?

Click the link here. You need to check your grades regularly, and if there are errors, tell me immediately. After the deadline, I am not able to correct your scores.

Week 9

1. Lab assignment: HTML tutorial, see the assignment here.

2. The last day to correct Week9's score is June 4th.

3. There will be no lab assignment on Week 10. You don't have to show up if you don't want to make up labs.

4. (Optional, requires some basic knowledge of Linux) You may try to publish your html pages so everyone can access your home page. Check the CS department FAQ on how to put your page onto the dept. server.


Week 8

1. Lab assignment: Powerpoint Chapter 16 (Project 16A and 16 B), at lab manual page 995-1038.

2. Please download the following files:



3. The last day to correct week8's score is June 4th.


Week 7

1. Lab assignment: Powerpoint Chapter 15 (Project 15A and 15B), at lab manual page 917-960.

2. Please download the following files:


3. The last day to correct week7's score is May 28th.


Week 6

1. Lab assignment: Access Chapter 13 (Project 13A and 13B), at lab manual page 713-776.

2. Please download the following files:




3. The last day to correct week6's score is May 21st.


Week 5

1. Lab assignment: Access Chapter 12 (Project 12A and 12B), at lab manual page 617-672.

2. The last day to correct week5's score is May 14th.


Week 4

1. Lab assignment: Excel Chapter 10 (Project 10A and 10B), at lab manual page 447-492.

2. Download the required file here.

3.The last day to correct week4's score is May 7th.


Week 3

1. Lab assignment: Excel Chapter 9 (Project 9A and 9B), at lab manual page 335-404.

2. On pg. 361, step 14:  The number "2343596.25" is wrong in the text.  It should be: "2346046.25", like in the picture.

3. On pg. 387: step 3:  Click "Cancel" instead of "OK".

4. Check your previous lab scores regularly. If your score is wrong, tell me immediately. The last day to correct week3's score is April 30.

 Week 2

1. Lab assignment: Word Chapter 6 (Project 6A and 6B), at Lab manual page 87-138.

2. The files needed could be downloaded here: w06A_Seminar.docx  and  w06B_Law_Overview.docx 

3. On page 113, step 10, the button picture is wrong (that picture is Decrease Indent button, not Increase Indent button).

4. The last day to correct week2's score is April 23.

 Week 1

1. Lab assignment: Word Chapter 5 (Project 5A and 5B), at Lab manual page 3-50.

2. Save your files into the desktop or "Z driver".

3. For Project 5B, the files needed could be downloaded using the following link: w05B_Music_School_Records.docx and w05B_Music_Logo.jpg (Thanks to Xiaoqing Jin (Thanks to Xiaoqing Jin for providing these two files).

4. To download these files, I suggest using Firefox. Right click them, and choose "Save target as..." or "Save link as...".

5. Show the Print Preview screen is enough. Don't try to Print your work.

6. The last day to correct week1's score is April 23.
