Rookie Cop Arrests Man For Possession of Rogaine

BOSTON, Mass.--First-year police officer John Edwards arrested a Boston man early Wednesday for possession of Rogaine.

Edwards stopped the 48-year-old man, who was not identified, after observing him going 35 miles per hour in a 30 mile-per-hour zone. During the traffic stop, while the suspect was reaching into his glove compartment for his registration, Officer Edwards noticed the Rogaine.

"It was right there in the glove box next to the Handi-Wipes and the happy face air freshener," said Edwards. "Scum like this guy shouldn't be allowed on the street."

Edwards went on, adding, "We really need to tighten the border to keep this stuff out in the first place. Most of it comes from South America."

After the arrest, it was pointed to Edwards that possession of Rogaine is not, technically, a crime. Edwards responded, "It's too late. The wheels of justice are already in motion. Besides, I'm not the genius who gave it a name that sounds like cocaine."

As he was being led into the police station, the suspect pleaded to reporters, "I'm going bald! Haven't I already been punished enough?"

Newly appointed Superior Court Judge Greg Beltry has set bail at $1,000,000.
