Jing Xu

Contact Information:

  • Email: jingxu AT cs.ucr.edu
  • Mailing address:
    Department of Computer Science & Engineering
    University of California, Riverside
    Riverside, CA 92521
  • EBU II Room 368
  • Lab Phone: (951)827-2522

I received my Ph.D in Computer Science at University of California, Riverside. My advisor is Dr. Christian R. Shelton.

My research interests are in the areas of machine learning and network security, especially in detecting network intrusions using dynamic process models.


Research Experience


Jing Xu (2010). "A Continuous Time Bayesian Network Approach for Intrusion Detection." Doctoral Dissertation, University of California, Riverside. pdf
Jing Xu and Christian R. Shelton (2010). "Intrusion Detection using Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 39, 745-774. pdf
Yu Fan, Jing Xu and Christian R. Shelton (2010). "Importance Sampling for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks." Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 11(Aug), 2115-2140. pdf
Christian R. Shelton, Yu Fan, William Lam, Joon Lee and Jing Xu (2010). "Continuous Time Bayesian Network Reasoning and Learning Engine." Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 11(Mar) 1137-1140. pdf
Jing Xu and Christian R. Shelton (2008). "Continuous Time Bayesian Networks for Host Level Network Intrusion Detection." European Conference on Machine Learning. (ECML/PKDD)(LNAI, vol 5212)(pp.613-627) © Springer-Verlag. pdf
John Mark Agosta, Jaideep Chandrashekar, Frederic Giroire, Carl Livadas and Jing Xu (2007). "Approaches to Anomaly Detection using Host Network-Traffic Traces." Neural Information Processing Systems(NIPS) workshop on Machine Learning for Systems Problems (MLSys). pdf pdf
Jing Xu and Christian R.Shelton (2006). "Applying CTBNs on Host-level Network Anomaly Detection." Workshop on Women in Machine Learning (WIML). pdf


  • Reviewer for CCNC 2008: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference
  • Teaching

  • Winter 2009 CS008 Introduction to Computing
  • Fall 2008 CS008 Introduction to Computing
  • Fall 2006 CS008 Introduction to Computing