Jian Zhou

Ph.D. Candidate

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

University of California, Riverside, CA 92521


Office:  463, Engineering Building II
Phone:  951-827-2001

Email:  jianz@cs.ucr.edu

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at University of California, Riverside. I work with Dr. Laxmi N. Bhuyan. My research area is in the field of Structured Peer-to-Peer Network.

University of California, Riverside                                             (Sep. 2004 - Dec. 2007)

M.S. in Computer Science                                                               GPA 3.95/4.0


Zhejiang University, China                                                          (Sep. 2000 - Jun. 2004)

B.S. in Computer Science                                                                GPA 3.80/4.0

Professional Experience

Software Engineer, Inventory Management Team @ Yahoo!                        (2008 - Till date)

   Working with other talented engineers to build the next generation inventory management system with scalability and reliability.

   Using Hadoop map/reduce framework to process huge log data for forecast system.


Research Scientist Intern, Avaya Research Lab                                          (Jun. 2007 - Sep. 2007)

    Designed and implemented a distributed feature indexing and call service discovery mechanism to enable scalable and fault tolerant call processing.

       Used oversim to simulate the call feature discovery and dynamic feature interaction processing on an Internet-scale Peer-to-Peer network. Developed separate APIs for call signaling and feature processing in C++ and OMNet.   


Research Assistant, Network Group, UC, Riverside                                     (Sep. 2004 - Dec. 2007)

Worked with Dr. Laxmi N. Bhuyan. Researched on distributed computing, peer-to-peer systems, load sharing in network processors and XML characterization.


Graduate Student Instructor, UC, Riverside                                               (Sep. 2004 - Jun. 2006)

Taught a variety of computer science courses at undergraduate level.  Conducted weekly laboratories for over 20 undergraduate computer major students. Planned and prepared laboratory topics and materials.  


Student Researcher, Zhejiang University, China                                          (Aug. 2002 - Jun. 2004)

Worked with Dr. Dongming Lu for 2 years in distributed and multimedia systems. Implemented and evaluated various scheduling algorithms and load balancing techniques.


Peer-to-Peer Systems

         Overlay Network Design for Peer-to-Peer Network

Worked on distributed hash table (DHT) design for web service systems. Proposed a new topology which has multiple alternative paths from point to point and shorter diameter. Also, the topology can dynamically adapt to the node join/leave environment.

         Replication Placement in Structured Peer-to-Peer network

Proposed a replication placement algorithm in peer-to-peer network which requires less overhead than caching. Proved that the algorithm can produce results no worse than the two factor of the optimal solution.

         Real Time Peer-to-Peer Computing

Designed and implemented a distributed computing framework to support higher quality of service and fault tolerance for processing deadline-driven tasks. Our strategy strives to build an open infrastructure that is accessible to ordinary users for both CPU cycle donation and consumption.


Computer Architecture

           XML Characterization

The characterization of four parts of XML processing was investigated.

         Security Algorithm Implementation in Network Processor

Implemented multiple security functions such as MD5, SHA and DES in Intel IXP2400 SDK with MIPS/x86 assembly.

         Task Mapping in Network Processor

Investigated the program partition and program mapping among multiple processors in network processor.

         Implementation of Pipeline Algorithms

Simulated the 5-stage Tomosulo and scoreboard pipeline and tested the performance of the algorithm using C++.


Distributed Systems

         Distributed Computing for Multimedia Transcoding

Distributed the GOP of MPEG2 media to different computers for transcoding.

         Grid Computing

Designed and implemented a parallel program for MEPG4 encoding on a grid using MPI.


Jingnan Yao, Jian Zhou, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, "Computing Real Time Jobs in P2P Networks", (LCN 06), Tampa, Florida, Nov. 2006
Jian Zhou, Xin Zhang, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Bin Liu "Clustered K-Center: Effective Replica Placement in Peer-to-Peer Systems", (GlobeCom 07), Washington, DC, Nov.2007
Jian Zhou, John Buford, Kishore Dhara, Xiaotao Wu, Mario Kolberg "Discovery and Composition of Communication Services in P2P Overlays", (SUPE 07), Washington, DC, Nov.2007
Jian Zhou, Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Anirban Banerjee "An Effective Replication Placement in P2P Networks", (IPDPS 08), Tampa, Florida, April 2008



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