Recipe for Noah's Pudding
(makes 30 servings)


1 cup wheat
1 cup white beans
1 cup garbanzo beans
1 cup raisins
1 cup almonds
3/4 cup peanuts
12 dried apricots
5 1/2 cups sugar
water (enough to cover)
topping: walnuts, cinnamon


1. Soak wheat, white beans, garbanzo beans and almonds in water overnight.
2. Boil the above ingredients, remove the outer shell or skin.
3. Soak the raisins in boiling water until they soften.
4. Put all the ingredients above (steps 1-3) in a large pot and boil. Add peanuts and almonds (peeled and cut in half) at this point.
5. Chop the apricot into small pieces, add to mixture along with sugar.
6. Boil for 10-15 minutes.
7. Enjoy your pudding!

*These are the ingredients we chose. Feel free to experiment with other grain, fruits and nuts. Pomegranate, sesame seeds and orange peel are recommended.


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