We learned Jesus and Moses from Mevlana J. Rumi
hosted a panel titled "Universal Love and Tolerance of Rumi"
on campus. Dr. Muhammed Cetin, who was invited to the panel from Houston,
gave a speech about Mevlana J. Rumi. Many reknown academicians also attended
the panel. Dr. Cetin, after giving a brief biographical information about
Rumi, talked about how he also was a scholar, a jurist and a hadith (Prophet
Muhammed's tradition) expert along with writing poems. "Among all
this work, at age 38, he managed to complete Mesnevi which had twenty
thousand lines. Mevlana was a lot thinner than shown in his illustrations,
one time he was about to fall down, due to very stong winds in the winter
time of Konya" said Dr. Cetin, "When he passed away, there were
around 40 thousand people from different nations and religions at his
funeral where Christians and Jews were asked, 'Why are you attending this
funeral?', and they answered 'We learned Jesus and Moses from him'".
When the guests asked the question "Why Islam has a negative image?",
Prof. June E. O'Conner, Head of the Department of Religious Studies, wanted
to answer this question herself and said that misconceptions occur because
of the fact that the radical expressions are portrayed all the time. Panel
ended with servings of Turkish food and dessert.
Short Bio of
Dr. Muhammed Cetin is a Visiting Scholar at the Religious Studies Department
of the University of Houston. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Sociology
Department of UT Austin from 2003–2004. He is currently a PhD candidate
in Sociology at School of Education, Human Sciences and Law of the University
of Derby, UK. He received his master’s degree from the Education
Department of the University of Leicester and Diplomas in Social Sciences
and ELT and a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature
from the University of Ankara. He has worked as lecturer, Vice-Rector
and Ministerial Adviser in Turkmenistan. Cetin was a co-founder and editor
of The Fountain magazine, and served as editor, translator, and contributor.
He is the President of the Institute of Interfaith Dialog and has served
as organizer and speaker for Interfaith Dialogue and Tolerance Conferences
and cultural activities held at universities and other institutions. He
is the author and producer of Rumi and Universal Love, Tolerance and Dialogue
and The Adhan: Call to prayer DVD documentaries.
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