Secrets of FIGHT-CLUB;
Before Tyler Durden meets Jack on the plane,  he was seen 6 times in the movie... 
In the first 4 of them he is seen only in 1 frame (1/24 of a second)
Without paying careful attention it's almost impossible to see him....
I don't know why Fincher did something like that, but it's cool...
It was really hard to take these captions from the DVD...
Hope you all enjoy... 

Fight Club Rules!!!

important notice: All pictures are taken from shockhaber


4.minute 5.second Copy Room...  When Jack says; "With insomnia, nothing's real.
 Everything is far away. Everything is a copy, of a copy, of a copy..." Tyler is seen and
immediately disappears only in 1 frame... Above and below...
6.minute 16.second Dialog with the Doctor... When Doctor says ; "You wanna see pain? 
Swing by First Methodist Tuesday night. See guys with testicular cancer. That's pain..." 
... Tyler is seen and immediately disappears only in 1 frame... Above and below...
7.minute 31.second Therapy... When the shrink of the therapy says ".It's time for the one-on-one.
Let's all of us follow Thomas's example and really open ourselves. Can anyone find a partner?
... Tyler is seen and immediately disappears only in 1 frame... Above and below...
12.minute 31.second The Look to Marla... When Jack turns and looks at Marla Singer...
Just Marla was turning the corner and Tyler is seen and immediately disappears only 
in 1 frame... Above and below...

19.minute 45.second Airport... Tyler, at the back of Jack... Above...
20.minute 12.second TV commercial in the Hotel room.. When Jack is watching the TV
commercial... In the commercial Tyler is seen right-most ... This was really the hardest to 
find, needs extra attention... Below...

The first rule of fight club is -- you do not talk about fight club...
The second rule of fight club is -- you do not talk about fight club...
The third rule of fight club -- someone yells stop, goes limp, taps out, the fight is over... 
Fourth rule -- only two guys to a fight... 
Fifth rule - one fight at a time fellows...
Sixth rule -- no shirts, no shoes...
Seventh rule -- fights will go on as long as they have to...
And the eighth and final rule -- if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight...