Created Unity plugin in collaboration with Antonio Cervantes, Luke Schloemer, and Travis Ngov. The plugin includes many platformer related modules and components to get you started on your very own platformer game. The kit also includes 3D and 2D versions of all components so that the kit will work whether you want a full 3D experience or 2D side-scroller. The plugin will be available on the Unity Asset Store very soon.
Technologies used: Unity, C#, Mixcraft
Runner-style game created in Unity targeting the Android and iOS platforms. The game was developed by a four-person team for the senior graphics and electronic games capstone design project. The game follows a monkey who is determined to climb to the top of the trees to grab some of the delicious, giant bananas. Unfortunately for him, there are many hazards on the way up, so he must avoid getting hurt and falling off before he has reached the top.
Technologies used: Unity, Blender, C#, Python, Mixcraft
This research study is being run cooperatively between the computer graphics department and neuroscience department at UCR. There have been some few recent studies showing that video games can have a positive impact on players' cognition. This revelation sparked a market for brain fitness gaming. However, this market has failed to deliver, providing games that are either fun but lacking in transferable benefits to normal life, or games with great benefits that are boring to play. This research study started with the objective to fix this issue and to create balanced games that are fun and cognitively beneficial.
Technologies used: Ogre3D, Maya, Mixcraft
This game uses an LED Matrix and custom built arcade sticks to relive the nostalgic experience of Pong. Also included are lights and speakers for visual/sound fx and music. A new mechanic is also introduced - A special spike. As you successfully return the ball, your energy meter increases. Once you have maximum energy, you can spike the ball by pressing the push-button as the ball makes contact with your paddle.
Technologies used: ATmega32 microcontroller, Atmel Studio, C programming language, Arduino, C++ programming language
Online game created during the 42-hour Citrus Hack hosted by ACM at UC Riverside. The game engine was built completely from scratch using only Javascript and jQuery. The game is a 2D platformer with memory and item collecting elements. The game also features a small options menu and stores top scores for both easy and hard difficulty settings. This version of the game spawned a continuing project to improve the game mechanically and visually (as of now, updates have been suspended). This project was developed by a two-person team led by myself and assisted by my colleague Justin Landfried.
Technologies used: Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP
This video demonstrates some very basic platforming mechanics for a 2D platformer that I was playing around with using a fun and simple 2D game engine called Love 2D. The sprites in the level were created using Adobe Photoshop and the level itself was built using the Tiled map editor.
Technologies used: Love 2D Game Engine, Lua programming language, Adobe Photoshop, Tiled map editor
This arcade stick was designed with the fighting game enthusiast in mind. The stick has two different layouts on either side, so whether you want to play Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, you are ready to go without having to change controllers or re-map your button layout. Both layouts are wired into the same pcb, which means once you're plugged in, you're good to go for the entire sitting.
Technologies used: Cthulu PCB
This game was designed as a comical twist on a classic maze-style game. You play a chubby character named "Pump Pump" who has to travel through narrow halls full of obstacles in order to reach the kitchen. If he touches any of the walls or gets hit by any of the moving obstacles, he is sent back to the beginning of the course. Once he makes it to the kitchen, he eats everything he sees. He gets hungry again and has to travel through the same course but now he's bigger, making it more difficult for him to fit through the halls and dodge the obstacles. This game holds a special place in my heart being the first "game" I ever made.
Technologies used: DarkGDK Engine, C++ programming language
This app could be used to directly connect a regular civilian with a police/security officer. The app supports audio calling, instant text messaging, and video chatting (all using internet service). The app also allows pictures to be sent and viewed, and gps location to be seen on a map by the officer. This video demonstrates some of these features.
Technologies used: XML, Java, Eclipse IDE
This webpage template was created to conduct studies to compare traditional textbook-based learning with web-based interactive learning. The user is randomly assigned a textbook lesson or web-based lesson. In post processing, the score increase from the pre- to post-quiz is calculated for each participant, and the results are used to analyze and compare the effectiveness of both learning styles. The webpage at the link provided covers three computer programming concepts using the Python programming language. Other webpages have been created using this template to cover other specific topics using other programming languages.
Technologies used: web -- Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP, post-processing -- Ruby
This website was created for a database project that implements an online movie streaming/renting business. After you create a profile, you can search for movies and choose to stream/rent the movie. You can also favorite a movie, rank a movie from 1 to 5 stars, and comment on the movie to share your thoughts with other users. You can also follow other users to see their recent activity. The site is available to view and play around with, just create a valid profile or use the credentials User1, Pass1. Currently, there is no serious implementation regarding real money or being able to watch the real movies. This project was developed by a two-person team: Justin Landfried and myself.
Technologies used: PHP, Javascript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
Website developed for Church Unlimited in Indio, CA. This project served as my first professional engineering work and my introduction to web-based languages, technologies, and development. This was a team effort led by my colleague Justin Landfried.
Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery