Undergraduate Student & Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside
eflor014@ucr.edu, emfb760@gmail.com
Portfolio Webpage:
Game development and software engineering.
Bachelor of Science with Highest Honors, Computer Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA, 2014
Associate of Science with Highest Honors, Mathematics, College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA, 2011
Undergraduate research assistant, Riverside Graphics Lab, University of California, Riverside
Advised by Dr. Victor Zordan, mentored by Calvin Phung January 2014-present
Cognitive Training using Video Games
Reengineered existing n-back game in development for a senior audience.
Responsible for sound engineering and sound design for both versions of the game.
Increased user experience and gameplay through new visuals, sounds, and animations.
Game Development for release on the iOS platform
Contributing to development of a version of the n-back game for commercial release to a general audience.
Implementing mechanics and animations for a higher caliber presentation.
Undergraduate research assistant, Embedded Systems Lab, University of California, Riverside
Advised by Dr. Frank Vahid December 2012-December 2013, mentored by Alex Edgcomb July 2012-present
Human Energy Estimation Expenditure using Cameras
Participated in energy expenditure study.
Worked on post-processing of video data.
Managed the archival and storage of ~700 GB of videos and video data.
Fall Detection using Cameras
Worked on post-processing of video data.
Collected head position from video data.
Developed a GUI software tool to collect head height data to be integrated into the fall detection system.
Online Education Content Development
Developed interactive exercises for reinforcing core computer science concepts.
Produced concise videos to teach the how-to of programming.
Developed student-driven animations to explain core computer science concepts.
Online Education Studies and Surveys
Developed dynamic survey websites to test effectiveness of web-based interactive learning.
Conducted sessions for students to participate in this study.
Game Development
Developed a 3D runner-style game with Unity targeting mobile devices. The game was developed by a four-person team for the senior graphics and electronic games capstone design project.
Developed a 2D game using only web-based technologies at the 42-hour Citrus Hack hosted by ACM at the University of California, Riverside. Game engine was built completely from scratch using only Javascript and jQuery. This project led to continuing development for a more stable and enjoyable version to be released soon.
Currently developing a 2D platformer using the LOVE 2D Game Engine. Sprites are being created using Adobe Photoshop. Levels being designed using an open-source map editor called Tiled.
Created a maze-style game using the DarkGDK API on top of Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express. The player character moves through a maze. The challenge is completing the maze without touching the walls or getting hit by moving obstacles. The character moves slower and grows in size as the game progresses.
Android Development
Developed an Android application based off the premise that an everyday civilian could have direct communication with a police/security officer. This application would allow a civilian to send instant text messages to the officer, connect to the officer and talk, take pictures to send to the officer, and begin a video chat with the officer. At the same time, the officer could respond using some of those same features while also having a map showing the current GPS location of both himself/herself and the civilian in trouble.
Embedded Systems
Designed a pong game controlled by an ATmega32 and Arduino Uno. Player controllers built with video arcade joysticks and push-buttons, and game world represented on a custom built 8x12 LED matrix.
Built an arcade fightstick controller that is compatible with the PS3 console and Windows PC (it is also compatible with other video game consoles but requires extra adapters). This controller uses the Toodles Cthulhu Multi-Console PCB. The controller was designed to support the two most common push-button layouts for fighting games. This allows the user to use the same controller for any fighting game without having to switch out controller or remap any buttons; just rotate the controller.
Music Development
Put in charge of sound design for video game project at the Riverside Graphics Lab at the University of California, Riverside. Responsibilities included game music as well as sound effects for the game.
Recorded and edited music/sound using different audio recording software including Mixcraft, GarageBand, Audacity, Cool Edit Pro, Adobe Audition, and Digital Performer.
Video Development
Recorded and edited video using different video software including TechSmith’s Camtasia, Apple’s iMovie, and Apple’s Final Cut Pro.
Proficient: C/C++, C#, Javascript, Unity Game Engine
Intermediate: Unreal Game Engine, Python, Ruby, HTML/CSS, jQuery
Other Experience: Blender, Ogre3D, OpenGL, Arduino, Atmel Studio, MATLAB, Java/XML for Android, LUA for Love 2D Game Engine, Bash Script, Linux System Programming
Arduino, ATmega1284/ATmega32
Rotary-Alumni Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in Mathematics 2011
Dean's List (6 years)
HSI Undergraduate Research Award (2 quarters)