Computer Science 8 - Lab 2 HTML

In this week's HTML lab you are going to create a very simple web page using Notepad.

First, you need to set up the environment (Notepad, to be more specific). Just follow the following steps:
  1. Log on to Windows.(In Linux, go to "Start" -> "System Tools" -> "Terminal" -> Type in "windows", then ENTER)
  2. Open "Notepad" (In Windows, go to "Start" -> "Run" -> Type in "notepad", then ENTER)
  3. Save your file
  4. Run your HTML file with a web browser like Internet Explorer. (Start a browser and go to "File" then open your .html file from where it is located)
  5. Still have questions? Check this example out by right click on the page and "View Source".

Start Notepad and type in the following:

Click File - Save and save the file as cs8.htm (make sure you change the Save as type: to All Files).

Make sure to save the file to the network drive as you will adding to it each week in lab.

View the file in a web browser. Start the browser, click on File - Open, and browse to the cs8.htm file.

Now, return to Notepad and add content to the web page. Replace the first paragraph with a few sentences about yourself (name, age, hobbies, etc.). Replace the second paragraph with a few sentences about your career goals. Finally, replace the third paragraph with a few sentences about anything you want.

Note that you must use the following tags in your web page (besides the ones that are already there):

After you have saved your changes in Notepad, go back to the browser, refresh the page, and view the results.

After finishing, you should know what all of the tags listed above do. Also, what is the difference between the <p> and <br> tags? What happens if you put two <br> tags next to each other?