Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Bourns College of Engineering (Surge 352)
Riverside, CA 92521, USA
2005 |
Ph.D, Computer Science & Engineering Dept. University of California - Riverside
Dissertation: Search and Retrieval Algorithms for Distributed Data Management Systems
2003 |
M.Sc., Computer Science & Engineering Dept, University of California - Riverside
Thesis: "Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks"
2000 |
B.Sc, Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Thesis: "eRACE: eXtensible Retrieval Annotation and Caching Engine"
Visit the Publication section for an updated list.
Visit the Resumé section for a updated version.
Indexing on Sensor Devices (MicroHash)
TOP-K Query Processing in Distributed Environments (TJA)
Wireless Sensor Networks( NODES Project )
Peer-to-Peer systems ( IR in P2P, GTA - Gnutella Traffic Analysis, GSW - Gnutella Security Weaknesses )
Search Engines ( eyeShot - Multimedia Search Engine )
WWW Crawling ( WebRACE - High Performance HTTP Retrieval Annotation Caching Engine )
Scalable Internet Services ( eRACE - eXtensible Retrieval Annotation Caching Engine )
2002-2003: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Honorable Mention, UCR
2001-2002: Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award/Head Teaching Assistant, UCR
2001-2003: Dean's Graduate Fellowship Award, UCR
2001-2006: CS Department Scholarship, UCR
2000-2001: Research Fellowship,Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation
My Photo Album
Cyprus - The island of the goddess Aphrodite!, visit it and you'll love it...
My brother's webpage!
The Kyreniaship Project at the Kyrenia Chrysocava Cultural Foundation
My Erdös Number is 3!