Agenda for Lab 8:
Before you start the lab:
- Check out the following utility for organizing your schedule:
- Write a brief review of the utility, and submit it
First Task:
- Write up a 1 paragraph technical description of VoIP
- Research VoIP
- Imagine you want to help a friend in another country
(or somewhere far away) set up VoIP to talk to you. Come up with
a detailed set of instructions for what he/she would have to do.
- How would they set it up?
- How would they make calls?
- What limitations (if any) are there?
- etc.
Second Task:
- Try to think of something you'd like to be able to do with your
computer. For instance:
- Find out how much social security you'll get when you
- Estimate Carbon Dioxide generated by all cars in U.S.
- Manage your music files
- Make birthday cards
- Manage your finances (You may want to check out something
called 'Jobber's Home Budget')
- A program that can write a poem
- etc.
- Once you've come up with something, try to search for a freeware
shareware piece of software that does what you want.
- For Windows, you may want to try somewhere like cnet
- For Mac, you may want to try the downloads section
- For Linux, (you'll probably find a lot for linux), you can
try sourceforge, or gnu
- Save these tasks in a simple *.txt file, and turn it in using
WWWTurnin to the assignment
labeled, you guessed it, Lab8