Principal software engineer, Simon Initiative. Carnegie Mellon University.
STEM education research with emphasis on student retention and modern educational material development.
1) Algorithms: Developed algorithms for various home monitoring goals, including fall detection and activity level tracking, with unaltered video and privacy-enhanced videos. Developed adaptive algorithms for privacy-enhanced video to improve accuracy across various home monitoring goals. Developed a state-machine approach to fall detection with multiple cameras, motion sensors, and tri-axial accelerometers.
2) Human factors: Developed and implemented the Monitoring and Notification Flow Language (MNFL) for programmable in-home assistive monitoring as graphical software. Conducted 7 separate human subject trials validating the usability of MNFL software with over 2000 participants. Developed 6 privacy-enhanced video techniques and compared against common privacy-enhanced techniques for privacy perception and fall detection ability of humans in an experiment with over 1000 participants.
J. Kelly, A. Edgcomb, J. Bruno, C. Gordon, and F. Vahid. Theory to Practice: Reducing Student Attrition in Online Undergraduate Math, International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 8(2), pgs 187-206, 2022.
E. Kazakou, A. Edgcomb, Y. Rajasekhar, R. Lysecky, and F. Vahid. Randomized, Structured, Auto-graded Homeworks: Design Philosophy and Engineering Examples, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2021.
D. McKinney, A. Edgcomb, R. Lysecky, and F. Vahid. Improving Pass Rates by Switching from a Passive to an Active Learning Textbook in CS0, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2020.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, and R. Lysecky. Coral: An Ultra-Simple Language For Learning to Program, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2019.
Y. Rajasekhar, A. Edgcomb, and F. Vahid. Student Usage of Digital Design Interactive Learning Tools in an Online Textbook, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2019.
N. Sambamurthy, A. Edgcomb, and F. Vahid. Animations for Learning: Design Philosophy and Student Usage in Interactive Textbooks, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2019.
N. Alzahrani, F. Vahid, and A. Edgcomb. Manual Analysis of Homework Coding Errors for Improved Teaching and Help, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2019.
J.M. Allen, F. Vahid, K. Downey, K. Miller, and A. Edgcomb. Many Small Programs in CS1: Usage Analysis from Multiple Universities, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2019.
N. Sambamurthy, A. Edgcomb, and Y. Rajasekhar. Student Usage of Interactive Learning Tools in an Online Linear Circuit Analysis Textbook, IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, 2019.
J.M. Allen, F. Vahid, A. Edgcomb, K. Downey, and K. Miller. An Analysis of Using Many Small Programs in CS1, ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2019.
J. M. Allen, F. Vahid, K. Downey, and A. Edgcomb. Weekly Programs in a CS1 Class: Experiences with Auto-graded Many-small Programs (MSP), Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2018. (Best paper award nominee)
A. Edgcomb, N. Sambamurthy, D. Gulvady, and S. Kasula. Student Usage of Small Auto-graded MATLAB Coding Exercises, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2018. (Best paper award nominee)
N. Sambamurthy and A. Edgcomb. A Systematic Literature Review of Misconceptions in Linear Circuit Analysis, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2018.
N. Alzahrani, F. Vahid, A. Edgcomb, R. Lysecky, and S. Lysecky. An Analysis of Common Errors Leading to Excessive Student Struggle on Homework Problems in an Introductory Programming Course, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2018.
N. Alzahrani, F. Vahid, A. Edgcomb, K. Nguyen, and R. Lysecky. Python versus C++: An analysis of student struggle on small coding exercises in introductory programming courses, ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2018.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, R. Lysecky, and S. Lysecky. An Analysis of Incorporating Small Coding Exercises as Homework in Introductory Programming Courses, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2017.
J.M. Allen, F. Vahid, S. Salehian, A. Edgcomb. Serious Games for Building Skills in Introductory Algebra and Computer Science Courses, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2017.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, R. Lysecky, and S. Lysecky. Getting students to earnestly do reading, studying, and homework in an introductory programming class, ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2017.
F. Vahid, J.M. Allen, and A. Edgcomb. Web-based games to master core skills in introductory college mathematics, Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2017, abstract.
S. Irani, F. Vahid, and A Edgcomb. New Web-Native Animated Interactive Learning Material for Discrete Math, Joint Mathematics Meetings, 2017, abstract.
J. Yuen, A. Edgcomb, and F. Vahid. Will Students Earnestly Attempt Learning Questions if Answers are Viewable?, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2016.A. Edgcomb and F. Vahid. Simplifying a Course to Reduce Student Stress so Students Can Focus Again on Learning, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2016.
F. Vahid, S. Lysecky, and A. Edgcomb. Introduction to Computing Technology: New Interactive Animated Web-Based Learning Content, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2016.
F. Vahid, A. Edgcomb, S. Lysecky, and R. Lysecky. New Web-Based Interactive Learning Material for Digital Design, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2016.
F. Vahid, A. Edgcomb, B. Miller, and T. Givargis. Learning Materials for Introductory Embedded Systems Programming using a Model-Based Discipline, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2016.
F. Vahid and A. Edgcomb. New College-Level Interactive STEM Learning Material: Findings and Directions, AAAS NSF Symposium on EnFUSE (Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice), 2016.
F. Vahid, D. de Haas, S. Strawn, A. Edgcomb, S. Lysecky, and R. Lysecky. A Continual Improvement Paradigm for Modern Online Textbooks, Proceedings of International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI), 2015.
A. Edgcomb, D. de Haas, R. Lysecky, and F. Vahid. Student Usage and Behavioral Patterns with Online Interactive Textbook Materials, Proceedings of International Conference on Education, Research, and Innovation (ICERI), 2015.
A. Edgcomb and F. Vahid. How Many Points Should Be Awarded for Interactive Textbook Reading Assignments?, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE, 2015.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, and R. Lysecky. Students Learn More with Less Text that Covers the Same Core Topics, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), IEEE, 2015.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid, R. Lysecky, A. Knoesen, R. Amirtharajah, and M.L. Dorf. Student Performance Improvement using Interactive Textbooks: A Three-University Cross-Semester Analysis, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2015. (Best paper award winner)
A. Edgcomb, J. Yuen, F. Vahid. Does Student Crowdsourcing of Practice Questions and Animations Lead to Good Quality Materials?, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2015.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Effectiveness of Online Textbooks vs. Interactive Web-Native Content, Proceedings of ASEE Annual Conference, 2014. (Best paper award winner)
A. Edgcomb. Automated Video-Based Fall Detection, PhD Dissertation at UC Riverside, 2014.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Accurate and Efficient Algorithms that Adapt to Privacy-Enhanced Video for Improved Assistive Monitoring, ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS): Special Issue on Informatics for Smart Health and Wellbeing, 2013.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Automated In-Home Assistive Monitoring with Privacy-Enhanced Video, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2013.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Estimating Daily Energy Expenditure from Video for Assistive Monitoring, IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2013.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Interactive Web Activities for Online STEM Learning Materials, American Society for Engineering Education Pacific Southwest Section Conference, 2013.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Privacy Perception and Fall Detection Accuracy for In-Home Video Assistive Monitoring with Privacy Enhancements, ACM SIGHIT (Special Interest Group on Health Informatics) Record, 2012.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Automated Fall Detection on Privacy-Enhanced Video, IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, 2012, 4 pages.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. MNFL: The Monitoring and Notification Flow Language for Assistive Monitoring. ACM SIGHIT International Health Informatics Symposium (IHI), 2012.
A. Edgcomb, F. Vahid. Feature Extractors: Flexible Integration of Cameras and Sensors for End-User Programming of Assistive Monitoring Systems, Wireless Health, 2011, 2 pages.